Bruh, the video is from August 2006. Its most likely after 1.9 for all we know its 1.11. The behaviour that happens now is not intended and wasnt the case in the original game.
Sure its still easily doable but people want consistency with stuff.
You do not understand the issue. They were already aggroing together just as the patch notes. Hunters used to reset Cho rush so they only had to fight the king. That has never been able to be done in classic so those patch notes hold true, when you fight one you fight both.
The issue is they now share the same aggro table. When one mob turns to you, they both do, even if you didn’t hit the other mob to increase your threat on it. This has nothing to do with split pulling like the patch notes that were referenced earlier. This is wrong aggro table for the bosses. They share one instead of each having an aggro table like was previously. Even with a separate aggro table, you couldn’t split pull the mobs because the patch notes you reference stopped that ability.
Easy. Lookup this 2006 video on YouTube:
“Solo DM North (3/3) (Hunter vs. World 4)”
The hunter can attack one of two bosses, and the other will still be aggro to the pet. What’s happening currently in game is attacking either boss can make BOTH turn on the hunter, regardless of how much aggro the pet has.
Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my post. The reason I canceled sub is the fact that the very few bugs they are choosing to fix every now and then are such trivial things. Meanwhile we have combat and batching issues that prevent many classes from having their core abilities/combos function properly. These aren’t minor quirks, these are major problems. And not only are these problems not dealt with, Blizzard hasn’t even communicated with us about this for over a month now. Not a single post on the matter. Based on the way things are going, I don’t think they will change that any time soon.
What is a linked combat group? If this is just an enemy that will aggro socially when a different nearby mob is attack I really don’t remember the game working that way.
Yes, it’s like if you attack a mob with two guards, the guards pull with the mob. However what was done and is being brought up as incorrect is linking the aggro tables between certain mobs so they attack the same Target and change targets at the same time.
For example, in classic, hunters used to be able to reset the dog demon in the ungoro fight. They would pull together as they were linked socially, but you could reset the one you werent fighting because the aggro tables were not shared. Resetting one shouldn’t be possible and it was not possible in vanilla because if one has aggro then they both have aggro.
Blizz made some tables share aggro, but it is currently affecting fights and mobs that shouldn’t have a shared aggro table. For example, Gordok and chorush, they are linked in the sense that you always fight them together, but with this change they share an aggro table instead of just being linked socially.
Bumping for visibility - The way their aggro works seems to be inconsistent.
Sometimes they are linked and other times they are not.
I’ve found that 5pc Giantstalker and Trueshot DO NOT seem to affect them being “Linked” together or not. Also it seems that it’s random pull-to-pull. I’ve reset the encounter after seeing it “linked”, and then the aggro is no longer “linked”.
Late to the party, but I found that if furious howl (a pet talent) is casted manually by the hunter, it will gain aggro for the other mob. I had aimed shot linked to furious howl for raids, and using this in DM would instantly bring the mob back to me. No idea when it was the pet that actually casted furious howl. I am sure other spells react in this way.