(BUG LIKELY) You better grind old content now before the prepatch

(I don’t know honestly the OP said it was because of botters so I just went with it)

No this ruins the gold farm nature of old raids. Transmog is just a bonus.

The impact of boxing is overstated and a child could write routines to flag bot behavior. Character moves almost zero and perma casts aoe. Easy enough. No human is going to sit in same place for 6 hrs and farm the same 10 mobs. Its not really that efficient for anything less than 24/7 ops. If they do it for a couple of hours and then just relocate and repeat flag em. Then have someone check the bot farm (not boxers). Bad answers to questions will lead to permaban. Simple.

I did submit two actually.


Most people never really realize this.

Playing old content is playing the game wrong. They will keep working to make old content unappealing until everybody exclusively plays new content. And they’d rather lost millions of customers than have even 1 play the game wrong.


I feel like the main purpose of legacy loot is to keep people from carrying their low levels to get them gear, because low levels in a group that contains a high level are forced into legacy loot and rarely get a piece that can be equipped. Perhaps this was an early effort to hinder gearing up twinks.

This makes no sense.

Blizzard nerfed old content so people could solo it then added these achievements:

If they didn’t want us doing that, they wouldn’t have bothered.

PTR. no word from blizzard. High chance its a bug.

lololol what dev team? They are busy with their phone games.

:clown_face: :world_map:


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It’s a slippery slope. They complain people play alts, and they give achievements for leveling enough of the right classes to max. And then they come up with allied races, which are clearly intended to get people top play alts more.


Yeah I noticed that with the removal of portals early on.

Keep posting that link for greater exposure. :+1: :thinking:

The pure lack of dialog and correction by blizzard means this is not a bug, but 100% intended. Seems they are making a blue cs rep come up with something to write to break the news to us that this is going to be so good for us in the end.

It would take 30 seconds to ask the dev team if this was a bug and 15 seconds to write a response here to stop the hysteria and pain. So, because they don’t do that, makes me think this is on purpose to stop us from farming old content.


Because the PTR has never had any bugs before. Remember during the Mount Equipment phase that Shields would not prevent daze…

Yes thats a bug. its ptr… There are bugs… Always will be.

You mean like the portal removal announcement that basically went…

That didn’t go over well. But later they brought back the Caverns of Time portal as a “feature” in another patch.

you do realize the PTR might have a broken Legacy rule set cause of level squish and the dungeon/raids might not be under the proper tags cause of it.

Reported as a bug until a blue post or blizzard states otherwise.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s exactly how legacy loot was implemented. That doesn’t sound like a bug at all.

Legacy loot only kicks in once your character is 11 levels higher than the dungeon/raid you’re running. Since you’re lvl 50 and all of the instances scale to lvl 50, you’re no longer 11 levels higher than the content. So you don’t get legacy loot, you get normal trash loot. Blizzard made special exceptions for the Legion content though.

I don’t think there is a “fix” for this issue. If Blizzard has any sense, we’ll start getting legacy loot at lvl 51. If they insist on being thick as bricks, then we won’t get it until 9.3. But there’s no good way to tell which content should be considered legacy until you out level it. (In the prepatch, BfA shouldn’t be legacy, but other lvl 1-50 content might be for an old character, but not a new one.) Unfortunately, that means at least a month or two while waiting for SL to actually release.

There needs to be. If they’re going to yank 60 levels from us then they need to fix that 11 level rule. Change it to 5.


Molten Core always dropped two items per boss except Rag. It’s unchanged.

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Obviously 11 levels doesn’t make sense when you can’t outlevel the content by 11 levels… But that didn’t stop them from using that rule for a couple xpacs and locking us out of legacy loot from the previous xpac.

I really want it to just be one level. You hit 51 and you get all the loot from any old instance. Though I can see 5 being about where you stop wanting the mythic gear from the last xpac.

But I don’t think there’s a fix that will work during the pre-patch phase. I can’t think of a good way to tell if someone has outleveled the content, unless we want to use ilvl and start including BfA content immediately.

100% intended