[BUG] Fireblood/Stoneform Reduces PVP Trinket CD by 30 seconds

Using Fireblood/Stoneform racial reduces CD of the PVP trinket by 30 seconds.
How to recreate the bug:

  1. Use PVP trinket - > Fireblood/SF goes on the 30 seconds CD.
  2. Wait 30 second and now use Fireblood/SF - > Your trinked CD is now reduced by 30 seconds (from 1.5 min to 1 min).
    There is no bug on healer specs, only dps are affected.
    If the trinket is on CD of less than 30 seconds, than using the mentioned racials will just reset CD to 30 second (which is normal, I believe)
    Will of the forsaken also shares 30 sec CD with the PVP trinket, but it doesn’t have this bug.
    30 seconds reduced CD is pretty significant bug in PVP. I’m surprised no-one mentioned it before me.
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so if you use trinket, wait 30 seconds and then use fireblood, your trinket is now on a 30 second cooldown instead of 1 minute remaining?

Trinket has 2 min CD. You use it, wait for 30 seconds (trinket has 90sec CD left) click on the racial → the trinket CD is now reduced to 60sec

trinket for healers is a 90 second cd.

I know, I’m just saying what I tested on a DPS character. Pretty sure healers can have 1min cd with this bug

Well that’s something. Doesn’t seem to work for healing specs though, just dps ones.

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This has likely been a thing since this hotfix change on February 1st. Prior to 10.2.5, stoneform and fireblood weren’t incurring a shared cooldown at all for healers. This was fixed in 10.2.5, but had the side effect of causing stoneform and fireblood to put a 60 second shared cooldown on trinket for dps specs. The hotfix on the 1st addressed that, but caused now another trinket cd problem.

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Yeah, also just tested on healer spec and it worked fine. So the bug affects only DPS

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