BUFF Shadowmend / Penance

Or make the fear CD reduction talent baseline and give us void tendrils tyvm


Disc is really good rn, those changes would make them super OP


At the high end with like two viable comps and top players.

Outside of that they get run down like no other healer and flop outside of cds. Their output is weak comparatively and they are even bottom tier in mythic+.

They’re not awful but they could be brought up to par with mw/rdru/hpal imo.

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Let’s not buff things so they are broken cause other specs are broken.

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Blegh, disc


If something, i guess disc needs a self-snare removal. Nothing else.

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shadowmend actually heals a lot?

its easier to make everything broken than to make everything suck

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Agreed. S15 mop is a good example of this. Everything was strong.

Nerfing everything makes the game slow and unfun.

ironically most people want dh leech and destro passive idiot-proofness nerfed and not much else


We don’t want everything nerfed… just dh (deleted would be better) and lock tankiness.

Yeah buffing all healers to MW levels isn’t good for the game at all, it slows it down significantly
People love to say let’s just buff everything as a blanket statement and very rarely think about what they’re saying

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There’s a lot of high CR Rogue/Mage players who seem to think that their classes are the pinnacle of class design, and that there’s nothing overpowered or overtuned about them.


Destros get dunked by a lot of classes already idk if nerfing destro tankiness is reasonable anymore

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same way the educational system dunked on you bud.


But the thing is feather can justify things, you’re the same dk that said the death strike nerf wasn’t needed and it shouldn’t have been nerfed because a majority of dk players didn’t understand how to use it…?


double destro/mld player thinks they know how the game works :thinking:


It heals for a lot with stacks of depth of shadows and stacks of whatever that essence is called. Outside of that, it doesn’t. If we had other direct healing spells maybe, but that and penance are all we have. Not saying disc is in a bad spot, because it’s certainly not, but it’s not because of their throughput.

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Shadowmend heals are incredible, when you have “Depth of the shadows” x3 and spirit of preservation. Problem is getting a cast off when a rogue or DH is on you.


Petprick returns to the forums from a 6 month hiatus after getting carried to r1 with the same comp hes been playing the last 4 years straight.

Literally never seen you play a single comp other than ww dk and you’re still dog at it