So kind of a Balrog type. Set us on fire and I’m in.
I also hate the power creep of fel rush. I was okay with it at first. Then it just gets worse and worse.
Agree Darkness needs a fix so it doesn’t cover all the ground effects.
agree to fix our rotation (I will say this again, no one in their right mind feels immolation aura should be pressed several times in a row). Our rotation is beyond messed up. Especially our opener. Make is easier to understand and more intuitive (not this numbers small burst window nonsense).
I recently switched to ret pally and I thought “wow this feels like Legion DH”
Oh really? I didn’t play DH in Legion. Tell me more.
Legion DH didn’t feel like Ret at all.
Emerald Nightmare was Momentum, but you didn’t have Demonic/Essence Break/First Blood, so it was just Fel Rushing and using Chaos Strike. Simple as hell, but all movement drama was already happening there, but we were still in the honeymoon phase, so we didn’t realize. Other than that, the spec was literally 2 buttons.
Nighthold / Tomb of Sargeras was basically Unholy DK in Dragonflight S1. Insane Single Target burst, long cooldowns, no movement. Extremely restricted due to Nemesis (Single target debuff that lasted for 1 minute that increased the damage taken of the target by 25%). It played fine, and a lot of people liked it, but it was also extremely simple. Meta was a 4 minute cooldown back then, I think the tier set reduced it to 2 through Fury spent, but someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Antorus was one of the worst Havoc iterations to date (the only worse iteration was Shadowlands Venthyr, imo). It was also the first time we used Demonic in a raid setting. The whole rotation was basically pressing Chaos Strike and Eye Beam, getting CDR through souls spawned from Demonic Appetite. After this tier Blizzard devs should’ve realized how NOT to design a spec, but instead they carried it forward.
Thanks for that. It seems like I would still prefer DF with the glaive tier set over those. (I never play mover)
Demonic being removed going into BFA would’ve altered dh history for the better in so many ways
I don’t think Demonic by itself is bad, but how they associated to “Demonic uptime = good and fun” is where they broke everything.
If they did with Demonic what they did with Wake of Ashes of Ret for TWW, removing all the BS that reduced EB CD/increased Meta duration AND yeeting Meta, I think Havoc would’ve been fine.
It obviously needs more than that, but that’s a perfect solid base to use, they just refused to do it.
Legion DH havoc (back when we had talents with three options per row) and a good portion of stuff on our weapons.
That said, think of “Hammer into Flame” as your Meta. “hammer whirlwind” as havoc at-the-time ground glaives.
Sorry at work so names of spells will be bad…. The two builder spenders of ret paladin now vs havoc then.
We had a macro as havoc DH that chained three abilities together (which essentially equivalent to Ret main burst).
The whole thing feels familiar. But as holy instead of fel.
I still wish the devs would rework havoc. I like VDH (but really miss double sigils)
Fury of the Illidari was Glaive Tempest. It wasn’t a spender, it didn’t feel impactful, and it wasn’t fun to press.
Havoc had exactly the same spenders it has now, Chaos Strike and Blade Dance. Blade Dance wasn’t used for a big part of the expansion because First Blood wasn’t picked for reasons (tier, or bad tuning).
We also never had those macros you speak of.
Thanks for reminding me of the names. It’s been awhile.
The macro I’m thinking of was probably the Illidari with tempest and a trinket then.
Regardless, the current havoc version needs help. I believe we all agree there.
havoc needs a 20% damage buff single target