BUFF CAP is terrible and getting worse

Can we remove buff cap pls? Guilds that are capable of keeping buffs throughout a raid can then no longer use simple consumables and many spells (e.g. HoTs, armor pot, health pot, berserker rage, abolish disease, etc). People also have to remove, either actively or via addon, things like inspiration, priest 8/8 renew, bloodthirst. There are many others but you get the idea. How is it better to have this limitation on much of the player base?
I look forward to aq and naxx raiding but it will just get worse as the number of things we CANT use consistently increases

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Part of the game is management of buffs and debuffs.


No it’s not


Yes it is. That’s why bosses still have 16 debuff slots. Could be worse… we get the baby easy version. Used to be 8 debuff slots.


Yes it is. Also, you dont need even half of those buffs in order to clear any content in the game.


“uughhh the game is too easy”

“uuughhh remove buff cap”

people just dont know what they want


It’s probably not the same people complaining about both things.


hmm its more about i want to actually play the game to the fullest capacity, it’s so dumb that i cant do as much as possible. Instead we have these limitations. Priest 8/8 t2 is super good but I will never get to use it, same with t3 set bonus. Whats the point of buffcap if it stops people from playing the game ?

If they were to address this (they won’t), the best way to do it would be to make world buffs drop when you enter a raid instance. That would free up 6-7 slots.


what no lol, maybe just increase it 40-45 , or remove the cap entirely

blame blizzard! keeping me from reaching my full power :s

how about we all get game master commands and use <.die> on boss so we don’t have to spend time actually fighting it


thats irrelevant honestly, if people want to get all buffs they should be able to use all spells too, you still need to play well and keep the buffs, your team needs to be strong, it’s not a .die command to be able to use renew or abolish disease, or an armor potion, or scarab brooch, or an arcane protection, x y z

As a noob even I understand the basics of managing buffs and debuffs.

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As Vanilla as Orcishly Possible. This will send everyone running back to privates.

This thread is now about puppies, kittens, and turkeys.

not really, blizzard already made the worst vanilla private server and thats facts

Nahh I don’t really miss 200ms, constant crashes, and cash shops.
Just wish they’d remove batching!

I also love puppies and kitties but turkeys are only good for eating!!


lol okay

looks like you know whats up

Turkeys are surprisingly smart and were almost the national bird of the USA.

Buff and debuff caps should be removed and all boss and trash mobs in raid instances slightly buffed to compensate.

Let us use our thematic abilities (curses, dots; hots) without negatively impacting the raid. It’s silly that people presented the argument of superior Classic classes and we can’t even use half the abilities without nerfing our raid.


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