Brynja's Beacon and Forsaken Mind Control

Actually Delaryn is the only one that was raised who died during war of thorns.
Everyone else were raised afterwards.

The player specifically kills night elves part of the army of the dark moon or whatever it is called.

You’re right, I had my timeline mixed up. Might just be they felt even more let down with Elune. Even with her blessing, she’s not enough. Annoying as there are no voice lines as far as I see for their opinion.

I would argue it would be more likely that it is the old ‘Alliance soldiers frenzied and directed’ thing. But it is harder for me to say given they have some freedom in defying it compared to them.

Honestly it would have made more sense the Horde player raising already dead night elves while living night elves try to stop them.

It is completely human to be kind of angry about Elune showing up late to save you. Not that in your resentment you would kill your own people but it would at least make more sense why you would be resentful of Elune.

Yeah, that’s why I was confused. For some reason I thought they were just gathering corpses from before. Seems like a much easier choice. But really, it seems like they didn’t put much thought into the whole thing either way. That or typical miscommunication.

And the whole “Elune didn’t save me so now I hate here” doesn’t really make sense for the faith. The Elune faith is rooted in Paganism, made evident by the duality of The Mother Moon and The Night Warrior. In many Europagan faiths, the Moon was a Goddess worshiped in three phases, named Mother, Crone and MaidenWhich represens the cycle of Life, Death and rebirth respectively. This is also implies that Night Elf matriarchy is rooted in their faith, as the 3 phases of the Moon were all women, and often a celebration of feminism.

More to the point though, the cycle of Life, Death and rebirth, also represents creation and destruction, making Elune a Goddess of Adversity. This is a popular theme in Europaganism, it never should be expected for a God to save you from tragedy and hardship, under the philosophy that tragedy and hardship is the price for Wisdom. Again this is supported considering the racial icon of the Night Elves is the Icon of Wisdom

wow.gamepedia .com/Icon_of_Wisdom

So, the very idea that any Night Elf would resent Elune for not saving them shows that the writers really don’t understand what Elune’s faith is supposed to be about.

I always consider the effect that dying and being raised as undead has on one’s psyche and mental state. You see it in the undead starting area where some of the newly risen just can’t handle it.

Maybe part of that process twists and alters one’s thoughts, and maybe in that state destroying your former friends and leaders - because they didn’t help you to not become what you’ve become - has a bizarre and satisfying logic to the newly undeaded.


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