Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

This is a troll thread and off-topic to this troll thread and doesn’t even really matter, but I’ll bite anyway.

I don’t think that R14 was “hard” and certainly not harder than glad (although that doesn’t matter in the real world in any way either, and absolutely does not make you better than anyone else either) but it did require dedication.

I did it because it was actually super social and had crazy elements to it and I made friends I still have today.

Worked 40 hours a week + a commute + a family that supported me the whole time. Still, did it because I’m a persistent person.

Ranked exclusively on Earthfury (medium - high)

Never ever did this or AFK. Ever.

Bracket boosting applies, but not with bots for me… and before we knew about the delete trick.

When I read your post (and others like yours) all I see is judgment and this attitude of you thinking of yourself as better than others. Nastiness, unkindness, and assumptions. Name calling. Every one of these things points to bad things about you, and you just not being a quality person at your core.

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lol ur delusional if u think none of that went on. but gz

Hey, I’m not the delusional one nor the one nor the name caller who makes assumptions.

Stay classy.

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lol “glad does not make u better than anyone else” wow forums always good for a laugh

literally the definition of glad is top 1% of the ladder

You may be more skilled than others in the game, but if your personality is bad that means nothing, and it means nothing outside of the game at all either away.

If that’s all that you have to be proud of grats I guess.

I have Dyslexia And I can’t spell very well secondly I wasn’t this early trying to say The top 2% is At 20:00 rating what I was trying to say is most casual players are only going to go for the things that affect the gear and then stop.

Because realistically once you get to 2000 rating who cares Not everybody is going to go for Gladiator Or whatever the top whatever percent is but the reality is.

2v2 is the competitive bracket And fives you do for points If that’s just the reality of things plain and simple.

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BS. The elite rankers were in premades dominating others in WSG. Cringe deez


Its only for four weeks. Come Wrath things will go back to normal. Dont forget just because they have the gear you can bank on them no enchanting it or gemming it right let alone having the skill to use it.

Plus from the numbers they are posting you will need approximately 150k in honour. That is sooo much honour

I ranked to 14 because of those premades. Playing with those people against other premades and even running the flags which you could say takes some skill was so fun, and I play for fun. I knew I wasn’t going to have the chance again and my family was kind enough to let me go at my little goal. Although I never felt like i was better than anyone else. It was all about the people and the fun.

So I know what you’re getting at.

These days it really doesn’t matter as no one cares, and I’m actually glad about that. I tried to educate that guy but I think he was insulted because he really does consider himself better than others because of video game arena rankings. Which to me is sad.

The funniest part is that if someone had a crap personality we would have kicked them out of the premades and found someone else, so I guess there’s something to be said about that lol.

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Seems like the people who bought rating in tbc are just salty that they couldn’t buy r14 as well.

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lol wut? u could literally buy it from blizz by transferring to Arcanite Reaper or many other joke servers. then back again 90 days later

Okay so imo , as a player who loves too pvp this is a great change. Tbh it is the last of the season let peeps have fun in bgs.



Wow nice you can run a meta comp that min max’s your cc and kill window, run addons and weakauras that collect and disseminate all the relevant info, and then beat the 3 button class with your 3 button class.

Tbc arenas are omegalul.

Edit: dont forget about the inevitable win trading at the top of the bracket to garuntee all the stormherald abusers can get their title.


If you want an achievement that will stay with you and nobody else can achieve but other skilled players? Earn the gladiator title and ride the mount with pride.

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Cant you get like 4 piece brutal gear with like 1k+ 5’s team now with the new point change? idk why you think brutal gear is such an achievement. lol

Yeah if you are crying because people can get S4 items with Honor soon for a 4 week period where the entire game is broken yet don’t have Glad title…yep.

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For realsies, S4 makes the first 4-5 levels of WOTLK much faster and, for those taking 2-4 toons to 80 it’s a huge help to not have to slug through since Heirlooms are kind of last priority to buy for awhile.

It’s a huge win to get decked in S4 in pre patch.

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Dude. Its a game. Why are you acting like you accomplished some major life accomplishment. You wasted part of your life playing a game. Amd you want to feel special for that? How? Do you think anyome but you cared about the gear you have? Lol

Be like me. Play the game for yourself. Worry about yourself. If you want to get gear, olay and get it. If other people want to get gear, dont worry about it. It is none of your business and stop worrying about what other people are doing. You played the game, you met the requirement to get the gear. Did you do it for you? Did you do it cause you wanted other ppl to be jealous? Lol that is your problem. Nobody cares what gear you have.

Now if only the DK set was added.