Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

With the removal of RDF, they have to give people a way to queue to get gear, BGs are that way!

getting full s4 on a warrior is like getting 1200 on a hunter. the skill floor is so high in tbc for warriors. straight up pve yourself to 2k with a good partner. intervene when you might be in trouble and spell reflect timing. very skilled.

Personally it should be season 3 not 4 for honor IMO. Atleast for weapons.

Buying a s4 weapon is like buying a lvl 78 blue.

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lol, you really think you can’t buy your way to arena rankings? Bwahahahahaha


PVP boosting says hi


Trying to achieve ultimate balanced just leads to homogenization. It’s ok for one class to be stronger than the other imo. Yeah, there will be nuances but in general work is work.

PVP should be about who has the better skill, not who has the better gear.

I’m glad to hear it is equivalent to level 78 blues, cause I’ll be buying the entire set.


Good news everyone!

Glad to see this guy who relentlessly rammed no RFD posts through getting mad about a change. Enjoy it bud :+1:

PS gear mattering in pvp is dog :poop:, no other mmo has gear matter in rated pvp, not ff14, lost ark, archeage, gw, blade and soul or any others. Dumb as bricks claim.

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I don’t want classes to be balanced but rewards of gear and titles could be class based. Would maybe make more people play non meta classes if they have a chance at the rewards without playing flavor of the month.

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Hopefully they gut the prices on the badge vendors to help out alts.

Arena is meant to be content that is relevant to the time. Arena at the time is also meant to be a full time position if you want to get the gear associated with it.

It is the end of the expansion on a pre patch event - the time for arena will end on the 29th… thus it not being relevant anymore.

The only thing people get are the gear , no titles/mounts etc. JUST PIXELS.

You’ll quickly replace it quickly going into wrath, trinkets especially. The game is meant to be progressive so I hope you wont cry about that either. :sweat_smile:

PS - Your argument is as dumb as me complaining that you came into a PVE raid and managed to scoop most of the gear after I’ve been raiding this entire time only to have you get it from a fair roll or loot system.

Guess what, thats what pvp is a loot system and the gear we will get after the 30th is OLD.

why is this post from a literal 4 year old child crying still active? Why did the mods allow this thread to happen? its straight up a child crying about something that has happened at the end of every expansion. Dude cries one second about not having anyone to fight and then cries that blizzard allows more and more people to obtain the gear hes in so he can fight more people. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Full glad Warrior. Sure ya do buddy. Sure ya do.

Sunwell is getting nerfed so much and players are being buffed with new talents and abilities that pretty much anyone who wants top PvE gear can get it before wrath. Doesn’t bother me at all; I’m glad they get to experience it at least and the most important thing to me is that our team cleared it before nerfs.

They did the same with High Warlord gear and every other season. No different. For once I am on the opposite side and will be gearing up at pre patch. I have enough for a Bow now at least and getting my mount speed up will also help.

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Hopefully nobody bought epic ground mount in these last 2 weeks. :sweat_smile:

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LOL the wait for pre patch is killing me just for mount speed and flying. I’m not looking forward to doing talents again though. I haven’t even thought about it heh. Other than my money for dual spec.

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1850 / 2000 rating is not even close to a flex. That isn’t even Duelist title, and obviously not even close to Gladiator/R1.

Blizz was actually soft this time around compared to original Season 4, as the weapon should require 2000 rating and shoulders 2200.

There is no slap in the face at all, unless you somehow managed to convince yourself that 1850 or 2000 rating is something people look at that requires skill. At most it means you’re SLIGHTLY above average, considering Gladiator is another 600-700 rating off of the shoulder requirement :rofl:

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Its prepatch, who the heck cares?

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