<Bruh> Akama [H], 7/8H, Sat-Sun 6:00-8:30 PST, LF DPS

is a small tight knit group of chill, veteran WoW players focused on M+ and Raiding. We are currently looking for 1-2 exceptional DPS to add to our big pumpers. Horde or Alliance is welcome. We do not require you to server transfer. Just to be in the Guild Discord and to be on my BNet so I can toss you an invite for raids or M+

We are looking for any skilled DPS and are willing to gear.

Currently, we are 8/8 Normal, 7/8 Heroic VOTI. After we get AOTC we raid for typically a month-ish longer and take a break until next Raid to avoid burn out. We do not push Mythic raiding.

Our raid Schedule is Sat/Sun 6:00-8:30 PST and require a 90% attendance rate. However, we fully understand that real life happens so no worries if it has to drop for a bit.

If you are interested or have any questions feel free to contact me.
My BNet: Levo#11410
Discord: Levo#7169