Broken campaign quest for Night Fae

I got 2 quests no moose. Got a general following me around. Not a moose?wtf

I had the same problem but found a way around. Abandoned the broken web quest and went back to where the moose was. He was there. Was able to turn in the 2 and accept Broken Webs again. He followed that time and was able to do the rest of the quests.


same here i cant pick up garden of night

I completed the other two campaign quests before seeing the Spriggan Snares quest. I picked this one up, finished the requirements, and went to turn in, but no NPC.

I then completed the World Quest in the area, thinking that was the issue, no NPC. I abandoned the quest, picked it back up, completed the requirements again, no NPC. I left the area and came back,no NPC.

I’ve logged the bug, but in the meantime, completely stuck like the rest of you.


I think there is a kind of specific bug that happends when there is a wolrd quest sharing the same area with a covenant quest , it happend to me before with another quest near tirna vaal , literally had to wait till next day for the timer of the world quest runs off…its a kind of overlapping or something like that , ive completed the 2 quests for the moose , and then when i try to turn in the spriggan one , there is no moose to turn in…
ofc i canceled and took the quest again multiple times , shut down all the addons , delete cache folder , etc.

I am wondering if A Little Pruning makes the stagg disappear. Others have completed the quest chain today with the WQ overlap without issue. Which leads me to believe one of the quests is flagged to allow the stagg to disappear, even if the other quests have not yet been turned in.

This is the answer here! Thank you! After reading through some comments I thought I was stuck until it was hot fixed! :grin:

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Drop web quest and go see moose. That fixed it for me… gl

Ugh - so frustrated!!! I had turned in the web quest and the pruning quest - picked up the snare quest. The snare quest is the one I cannot turn in. Tried abandoning it and picking it back up - but still no NPC. I WISH I could abandon the web and pruning quests - but I already did them :frowning:

In order to turn in all 3. I had to drop the web quest, do 1 turn in then drop the quest again turn the second quest in then pick up the web quest again and complete it.

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Hahaha #Blizard using us as their QA - and we pay for it! this is awesome!

This was how it ended up working for me. Thank you.

Same. Core campaign bugged for what? 24 hours now? Cool, cool, cool.


I had to pick up and drop the web quest twice, once for each turn in of the other two quests, then drop it again and pick it back up a third time to actually do it.

I cant turn any in either. The moose disappeared when I picked up “spriggan snares” and he hasn’t come back yet.

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This worked for me. Annoying, but it worked.

And make sure he doesn’t phase out once you run into the garden. He has to follow you around and say his lines for it to actually work.

This needs fixed. As someone else mentioned, this is game-breaking because this furthers the personal story and character power progression. It’s sad to see people piled up where the little ? shows up on the map and having no moose to turn in quests.

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He showed up for me finally just inside the garden entrance but disappeared after I turned in the first two quests. Still cant turn in spriggan snares. Is that the quest he talks on?


He talks on the web quest, following you around to each one.

I’m hoping it’ll be fixed soo, because this has really proken my enjoyment of the game. I can’t even partner with someone who can turn it in.


Same thing for me i turned in the first 2 no problem but the moose is gone and no way to turn in the Spriggan Snare quest to complete my campaign.