I was forced to do this.
This realm has been awesome ever since I transferred at the beginning of Legion. plus we have DEEROY. That automatically makes it the best realm.
Deeroy is pretty swell.
Hello to the possible people thinking of joining this realm, you will not regret it. Yes it’s a smaller population than other servers but that’s a good thing, it keeps a vibe of familiarity. There’s all levels of players here on Turalyon
Hardcore CE achievers
Casual Mythic raiders
Heroic AOTC
Normal/ Casual raiders
and even some PVP people.
Turalyon has a little bit of everything and that’s why I love this server so much, I have been here for 8 + years and I have played both sides; however I favor Alliance. I have met a lot of amazing people here in my time and could never think of leaving this server because of the people I share it with.
We have a recruitment discord for our realm and every other server as well that helps people to meet each other, make friends, find runs and fun things to do in this game. So please add it and start browsing through it. It’s super convenient to have at your finger tips and for finding a guild that meets your needs or just whatever your looking for in general.
We have guild’s that host mass server run’s , I was one of these people that used to do this and I can say i enjoyed hosting those runs and meeting and giving people end game content for free and just for pure fun. (I am hoping here soon i can host another alliance side event . )
But anyways again get in the discord there’s a bunch of people here on this server that take a lot of time they don’t have to give to try and make this an awesome community of people and try and bring back some of the old concepts of what WOW was. Which was meeting people, talking with people , and engaging in the content together before we ever had group finder abilities.
So come join us and be apart of one of the best server communities out there.
Thank-you to all that work and help make this server what it is.
- Jah
and I can thank Turaylon discord for meeting you and Sieara and Sik and all the others i have met as well. So glad you came to this server Fo
Need a reason to come by?
How about my mythic guild Perception Check?
We raid Tu/Thu 8:30p to 11:30p est.
bnet Praxi#11394 if you’re interested!
Try your hand at the mythic raiding scene here on Turalyon. We’ve got lots of competition and always a reason on the realm to push harder than everyone else.
Fast growing and solid community.
I came to Turalyon to raid on an alt during Antorus farm, but ended up leaving my old guild/server after about 5 months and now I consider Turalyon my main server. Moved over the 3 characters I play the most and I’m not looking back. Thanks Sieara for all that you do for our guild/server.
I will say this is by far the best support system in terms of recruitment both from the perspective of a player AND a recruiter to have a guild on this server and play on it. If your life changes and your schedule in tow there’s always a home somewhere. Even beyond Turaylon, Sierra has made an impact to guilds that can’t be measured. If you are looking for a strong system for recruitment and able to fill your roster this is the place to be. Thank you for everything Sierra.
Random cat fact: The biggest wildcat today is the Siberian Tiger. It can be more than 12 feet (3.6 m) long (about the size of a small car) and weigh up to 700 pounds (317 kg).
Turalyon is a great home.
Good morning my loves.
We need 2 more CE alliance guilds to come here. We love you! Come to us!
good morning guys =) beautiful day here on Turaylon =)
Reasons Turalyon is great #547: I’m here. That should be enough.
Rokoe is pretty wonderful. You guys should listen to him!
I am ready for next tier.
Bump. How is everyone today?
I am doing great! How are you?
same i am looking forward to the new raid as well, bosses look pretty fun so far.
Do awesome, thank you! Chugging along until the new raid tier…
I’m unsuspended! Yay for SNOWFLAKES!