Bring Twink Queues Back

Let me guess… missing pieces/white gear? Ofc I will absolutely say your numbers should be better than theirs, and by a lot. My numbers would be better than that type of players as well.


Lots of hostility today lol

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Not true. if you do not have an 85+ you can’t. if all your heirlooms are maxed out you cannot either.

It might not be cheating, but only twinks seem to do this.

I had no idea it was even possible until going to XPoff. As a 39, when I go to the AH and look for enchants under [X] usable items, those do not even show up.

It was nicer earlier in the morning. Seems a couple people waking up is all that changes that.

Seems like it I thought more people would be happyier today. I know for sure I am been looking forward to the new zandalari and wintergrasp for ages

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Justaslayde is the name.

BoA’s, but missing trinkets

Which is a big deal.

Hey I’m always happy! :blush:

I am really excited about this patch too =)

I was also really pleasantly surprised to see how fun twinks were to make. But I stand behind my statement that the disparity is way over the top vs levellers.

yeah I think this patch will be pretty fun for a bit until the big 8.2 patch comes I think that’s what everyones waiting for with the neck revamp

Yeah, that is why i need to do this again with my own toon. But that was what was in my BG. Also, have you run any numbers comparing how hard you with hit with and without trinkets? Or do you just say “it is a big deal” without knowing?

lol this x1000000000

Okay lets compare since I know how to link the armory…



No enchants on BOAs, no back or head BOA (outdated gear), outdated ring/belt/wrist. Considering all that, these numbers aren’t far off:

me: 171 (225%)
leveller: 75

Raging Blow:
me: 110 (174%)
leveller: 63

me: 86 (159%)
leveller: 54

me: 421 (155%)
leveller: 271

He also has a Mail Agility belt and one of his 2h is the Agility spear


yeah that warrior lol… no trinkets no boa helm mail belt. kinda speaks for itself oh and a agi weap also no leveling enchants… this is exactly the type of people that want free wins


Yeaaaa… and given all that, a twink isn’t even doing 50% more damage on 3/4 of the abilities. More like 40? Idk, my math is no good.

The “gear disparity” is an elective procedure, which disables the character.


yea I’m going to have to call into question the percentages as well.

Math is funny, it really depends on how we look at things. For instance:

The leveler did 44% of the damage that Lann did

However, Lann did 128% more damage than the leveler did

This trend continues. To hit 225%, 174%, 159%, and 155%, going to have to compare the math.

ok, let me make it very plain and simple in math terms:

225% is 125% more (100% + 125%). That means I hit for more than double the dmg every time I pressed rampage. I.e. if there rampage hit for 100, mine hit for 225.

174% dmg is 74% more than the leveller, which is nearly double their dmg for raging blow. So, for example if their raging blow hits for 100, mine would hit for 174.

159% is 59% more than the leveller. That means I was hitting for more than 1 and a half times wha the leveller was hitting for. For example if their auto attacks hit for 100, mine were hitting for 159.


This is all for pressing the same button. I haven’t played fury beyond getting the legion artifact weapons, so it is not my skill.

I press the rampage button and do more than double their dmg than when they press the same button.