Bring Twink Queues Back

Yep, she returned. It wasn’t separation or templates that brought her back, wonder what it was? Forum PvP?

For reference: I'm out for now


Time played metric says otherwise, once again.

Using the wrong metrics says hi too.

I thought so wasn’t sure I have lost track of how many times in the past 2 months someone said they were leaving in 1 of these threads name just looked familiar

Slapping on heirlooms and enchanting them once is lazy as well


That was short lived.


Just a fyi that’s all these threads seem to be doing. greyhide just proves my point further

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Agreed there

I’ll agree with you on this.

Case and point

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So what’s the issue? We’re all lazy players :joy:

Yeah, but twinks are lazy players that are GY farming all these new players 24/7!!1!1


Agreed! We should be working haha.

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Seeing you are here.
I noticed your (old&new) mains are decked out in full LFR sets, Cata-BFA.
As a Looking for Raid player, do you find the chat more or less “Toxic” in comparison from CATA - BFA?

Absolutely, you?

Yea, both sides are guilty of insulting. It’s what happens on every forum tbh

Are you trying to deflect because you know deep down twinking is lazy after the initial gearing process?

What RPG out there do you keep the same gear for 99% of the time you play?

internet in a nutshell. but yep that’s why I said these threads are proof of that and greyhide proved my point for me

Don’t give me all the credit, my friend. You did most of the work. Don’t be so modest.

Is there a correlation between Battleground chat and LFR chat?, since you are here we can get a good solid Looking for Raid players opinion on it.