Due to the scaling and squish part of me agrees it should come back. Don’t listen to that part of me. I just think it would be funny seeing how broken we could become if stuff from past was now titanforged.
Level 60 max TF Vial of shadows, DST, or legiondaries anyone?
OMG How much fun would it be if Dragonwrath, Thunderfury, Val’anyr, etc pop max TF when you complete the quest!
Titanforge all the things! and let us repeat quests infinitely
It wasn’t an upgrade, I never used any of those trinkets. The loot tables in this game have tons of junk on them that people get and never use, but would be good for other classes.
It’s called FUN. There is very little incentive to any content it this game outside of heroic raids and mythic dungeons after about a month of being level 60.
I got the mage fuse max ilvl and i got a harlans dice personally and we got another harlans dice to drop for the same rogue but it went to someone else in the party. actually had 3 drop in a couple of days 1 went to the only pug so fair enough he kept it but the other 2 were ilvl forges and so we couldnt trade them.
but it isnt an upgrade for me. I got the mage fuse on my monk who at the time haste was my worst stat. I didnt want it. it was a downgrade for me and bis for my boomie friend who I was trying to help get it. Its the only reason the 5 of us were in the dungeon and then it forged.
Just make loot tradeable and its fine. idc about master loot just go personal but allow trading and then its fine. Only “problem” is armour stacked raids etc but who cares about the 100 people doing the world first race.
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If you want to talk about maybe the game improving the loot I will.
BUT YOU COULDNT TRADE IT BECAUSE it was higher item level. The game thought it was an upgrade.
^^^^^^^^^^ replying to others. I guess you have no reason.
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That was my biggest issue with the forge/trade relationship. So many items that were horrible for me, but amazing for another, and I could only shard/vendor it. Watching a solid upgrade for my buddy disappear because it was 2 points of item level higher than what I was wearing sucked.
It artificially inflated the upgrade cap and devalued the difficulty modes of content. Made getting most versions of items feel bad and unnecessarily stretched the gear grind. It was a bad idea and I’m glad it’s gone.
Painsmith has a weapon on the tanking loot table that only procs when you’re behind your target.
On the tanking loot table.
People buy boosts in this game to make their character stronger and the only way to reach a high item level is behind gameplay that a lot of people that left this game don’t enjoy.
There is a reason WoW has such a massive boosting economy now compared to its past self and other MMORPGs.
And boosting is way way way up now.
Yea sure. keen to.
Lets start by getting rid of this BS
This game will never rebound to what it could be until they figure out that they need to make close to max level gear available to all skill levels.
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I’m actually laughing out loud at this. I need to go to bed, these forums are too much right now.
I know your laughing and you would have to be the last person logging into this game to realize
Why what I say is true.
WoW gearing is kinda boring for like 90 percent of the player base after you reach max level.
Has that ever been a thing? atm you get 233 from world content which is almost heroic level loot. Im no wow historian but I cant think of a time world content was so rewarding.
WOD and legion let you get max level gear.
Heck wod you could craft within I think 5 levels of mythic raid gear.
Other expansions let you farm valor for raid gear ect.
Gearing in this game is boring as all get out right now.
Absolutely not.
Warforging/Titanforging started off as an awesome thing. A nice little bonus that allowed players to get a piece of loot that was a bit more powerful than it would have been normally.
But it quickly became a mandatory thing, with players NEEDING certain items from previous tiers to titanforge before they could progress, and needing to rely on multiple RNG rolls, on top of the RNG roll to get the loot in the first place was a disaster that Blizzard would be wise never to bring back.
Great example of this in practice was the Benthic boots from Zin’Azshri. So many people needed those boots because of the bonus damage to naga enemies that would work inside the Eternal Palace raid. But the ilvl of Benthic boots wasn’t great, even fully upgraded, so players were constantly farming and spending abyssal pearls on benthic boots, first trying to get the bonus to naga damage, and then trying to get it to titanforge.
I knew one player who went through thousands of pearls. It caused him to burn out, but he NEEDED those boots to raid, so he kept forcing himself to clear content and farm pearls so he could spend them on boot tokens.
That’s pretty much wrong. people use boosting to get achievements, because they feel they are locked out without that achievement.
weird concept that is, to pay to play something you dont want to play.
right, you said because of no titan forging.
So tell me, does that mean every other mmorpg has titan forging?
Then shouldn’t they have a massive boosting scene just like wow?
If I had one wish for this game it would be for people that think like you do about this whole gearing system would see the light.