Proving grounds was really good solo content! i spent many hours in there owning everyone on the server back in the days
It’s one of those mechanics that failed so hard they had to remove it. However, this is the expansion where they decided to re-implement all those old, failed mechanics and try to prove that they would have worked if only the devs hadn’t caved when player numbers started cratering.
If you’re so antisocial you hate people who aren’t exactly like you and think they don’t deserve entertainment, that’s your problem. You guys demanded that all casual content be so trivialized that casuals wouldn’t want to do it. You got exactly what you were demanding, and now those people you hate are trying to get into mythic+ dungeons because they’re the only real content in the game.
You should be careful what you ask for, because you may get it.
Proving grounds taught absolutely nothing but following a pattern of mobs on screen.
There were literally people who paid others to pilot play silver proving grounds.
Like it doesn’t even matter if it was statistically significant. Just people existing who did that makes me have next to no hope for properly filtering people.
Proving grounds are still in the game, and they do appear when looking at players in group finder.
Dude, make up your mind. I actually don’t know where you’re sitting on this issue. You’re mad about Proving Grounds gating scrubs out of harder (but still easy) content, but you’re also mad when the content isn’t gated and tuned around a lack of a gate?
Either we can have a swimming pool with a “you must be this big to enter” sign, or we have a kiddie pool and everyone else who wants to swim in the deep end goes to adult pool across town. We’ve already seen what happens when we let small children into the deep end of the adult pool (Catacylsm and massive autistic REEE’ing). That’s a non-option. Since people also REEE’d about the gate, the only option is the kiddie pool for the children. There are no actual options here. This is kind of a “solved” scenario.
I piloted PG for my old man back in the day to get him into groups with me when we didn’t have a full premade (back when he still played).
People can beat the gate, so what? People can hop your fence IRL as well but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth having a fence up.
That sir, the reasonableness, will not be tolerated here on GD!
I’ve worn a couple proven titles to troll. It doesn’t mean you will be prepared for all you said
I always thought of the proving grounds as good solo content I could que up for when bored. I got all my “Proven” titles just to do so. It should not be used to gate content for people.
The game needs more content like this, solo que content with cosmetic rewards or titles. Wish they would innovate stuff like this more.
Proving grounds tittles are sort of long the likes of the Mage Tower content witch everyone pines for.
Also we’re is my 9.1.5 Brawlers guild. New season needed
The only thing Proving Ground did for me was make the idea of doing dungeons go from fun to work. In my case it was even more screwed up since the only ones I did good at were healing. I have tried healing on every class that can and failed miserably over the years. If I grouped up as a healer I would have been kicked before we got half way through the trash.
that’s not what they said though.
they said they don’t want to play with them.
lol what kind of backward twisted logic is this? it isn’t non-casuals who demanded nerfs to casual content.
The question being why did you have to do that for him? Couldn’t an argument be had that if he earned it on his own he would have felt the natural human emotion of seeing the fruit of his labor? And he could possibly by an extreme (yet possible) stretch he would be subbed now?
everyone in this thread missed this
A learning tool, sure. But the way it was implemented and how badly it was tuned to certain classes over others, no thanks.
Was there a detailed dungeon tutorial mode before PG that got downgraded to the pass/fail test? My memory isn’t as good as it used to be.
No of course not, M0s do this. People should be learning quite a bit at low levels and they should still be learning (tips and tricks, not mechanics) at level 10+.
they could def add some updates to proving grounds. I know it still exists…but the mechanics have gotten so complex these days with the new fights, that I think they could add in a few more scenarios in there for surrre!
i personally think it could be a great warm-up tool for people that only log in a few days a week to push keys
(I know i’m not the only one that gets rusty after some days off…and running someone else’s key as a warm up is unfair to them sometimes if you’re prone to silly mistakes like me lol)
BS on what?
The fact folks complained about it.
Or the fact that the ones complaining you ideally wouldn’t want to group with?
Because both are very true statements.
There were pages of thread about people asking for Proving Grounds to be nerfed, that is was too hard and not fair.
It was literally designed to be done in questing greens/normal dungeon gear.
And as I recall, I think it was just PG Silver required to queue up for Heroics.
Also it was role specific, not class specific. If you were heals you would queue a healing scenario, tanks queued into tanking scenarios and DPS queued into DPS scenarios.
Unless a player was missing very the very basics of fundamental knowledge of the game then it was super easy.
The only place that had any real difficulty was the Endless Wave thing.
Anyways, point is, it was a great way for people that lacked that “fundamental knowledge” such as Interupting priority, dodging AoE, not standing in bad, when to triage heal and when yo burst heal the tank, when for tank to mitigate “tank-busters”, etc, etc.
But it did do exactly that.
In fact, the reason I brought this topic up is because I was cooking around in my Garrison and decided to check it out.
It teaches you about debuffs, standing in bad, standing in good, etc, etc.
It was successful in two things as far as I’m concerned.
It taught players the very basics.
It showed me(via all the complaint threads) just how many people don’t want care about learning even basic fundamentals of playing to succeed.
That’s literally what this thread is about.
To bring the concept back, expand on the idea and make it better and more modernized.
I stopped playing at the end of WoD and came back early BFA. But what does that have to do with anything?
I also like cinnamon oatmeal and my favorite band is Black Flag.
All I’m requesting is an updated, modernized way to teach players about the basics in game. It’s not about teaching mechanics, it was all about the very basics, as it should have been.
I fail to see how an in-game learning tool could be a bad idea.
Sure it upset some players but I stand firm that the majority of people complaining simply didn’t feel like it was fair that they have to “prove” that they understood the very basics of the game.
I supposed you can read into that however you want but it tells me that people are either 1) Lazy 2) Bad
I don’t like grouping w either of those types. Most people don’t.
and there were literally people who didn’t do that.
Completely avoidable, if you formed your own groups. Proving grounds was just a gate, in a game that already has to many gates. Friend of mine said it best on TS back when Wod was current. He said guys I have healed, and tanked for you all since TBC days, without any complaints. I have nothing to prove to you, or a bunch of random internet strangers. And especially don’t have anything to prove to a bunch of random people that make a stupid videogame.