Bring back Layering on Mega Servers Blizzard

servers with +8,000 people to +10,000 people need layering.

there is no avoiding this

Sure there is. Don’t transfer to overcrowded servers. Easy!

Blizzard does not control players.
Blizzard lets players choose where they play.

That does NOT means that Blizzard has to “fix” any problems that players cause. That isn’t Blizzard’s job.

Players have to adapt to the game. The game does NOT have to adapt to players.


"Sure there is. Don’t transfer to overcrowded servers. Easy!

Blizzard does not control players.
Blizzard lets players choose where they play.

That does NOT means that Blizzard has to “fix” any problems that players cause. That isn’t Blizzard’s job.

Players have to adapt to the game. The game does NOT have to adapt to players."

ok so how do you fix a server like Whitemane, that has 9,631 people? Move half of them to a new server? That’s unrealistic at best.

Not my problem.

Not Blizzard’s problem either. Blizzard does not HAVE TO counteract what players do.

I don’t see anywhere that Blizzard promised to do that.


"Not my problem.

Not Blizzard’s problem either. Blizzard does not HAVE TO counteract what players do.

I don’t see anywhere that Blizzard promised to do that."

I can imagine you making a product and when people come to you, you say, “Well it’s not my problem” when they have questions or concerns or comments on your product

If you don’t like queues move elsewhere. Layering is not Vanilla-like. The smaller server you choose the less likely you’ll run into the other problems people complain about so much; bots, boosting, etc.


That’s the number of characters recorded on warcraftlogs from Aug-16-2020 to Aug-22-2020. That’s not the number of people playing on the server.


no. there’s no ‘moving’ involved. people either transfer off or stay there and deal with the consequences. people seriously need to learn there are consequences to their decisions. apparently the education system no longer does that.

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Blizzard offered dozens of servers, but players chose to pile onto the same 5. Why should they get rewarded with double or triple the amount of resources for that?


They made their bed, let them lay in it.


I thought Whitemane was a mega server and part of the big 3. That number is kinda small.

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not entirely sure how it works but i assume that’s the amount of ‘active characters’ meaning a whack of them are alts but not all of them. like one person logging into bank toons or switching to other alts to level or their ah toon, etc. though if its just during the span of 2-3 days there’s people that likely never even logged on.

not sure where those numbers come from and dont’ particularly care enough to check it out at this point. i’m sure someone knows how it really works.

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I think Blizzard underestimated the extent to which layering would affect the integrity of the game and they learned it the hard way after AQ release.

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