Brinedeep Bottom Feeder Dismount

Getting dismounted from my Brinedeep Bottom Feeder swimming mount while moving along the surface of the water at irregular intervals. I.e. I’m able to breathe, the mount is getting its full swimming speed indicating that it’s in the water, yet I’m being randomly dismounted from it as I’m cruising along.

I’ve noticed this tends to happen if my movement angle is too sharply pointed upward, suggesting that what’s happening is the game is “predicting” where I’m going to be at my current movement speed, placing that prediction point out of the water, and dismounting me incorrectly. I should also add this doesn’t happen instantly - sometimes I can cruise along the surface for a good while before the dismount bug strikes.

I should also add this bug doesn’t happen AT ALL if I’m cruising along the surface but staying as perfectly level as possible, though that’s often hard if not impossible to eyeball. This suggests the “movement prediction out of water” might indeed be the problem.