So, you’re saying someone got fired for not doing their job in a hypothetical future where the buyout goes through, years from now… and that this person who you say didn’t do their job is going to lead to people comparing his termination to a scandal Blizzard is in right now, two years prior, which is completely unrelated.
This is not the sound argument you think it is Zuma, and it is amazing in it’s lack of relevance.
It’s like you’re trying to use that same bad logic as before, but somehow it all got muddled up and you just forgot what you were doing halfway through.
Are you ok bud?
its almost like GD knows how to run a billion $ company much better but chose not to because cbb, unlucky, too good morally
Tired of these threads. The system was in place since 2021, and he just left. He quit. It’s not like he was being fired, and then quit in lieu of it. People don’t quit jobs they’re happy with because of a dumb HR policy. Many companies have these polices. These polices exist to incentivize managers to be more thoughtful when doing evaluations.
Lot of managers keep and promote bad talent even when they know they’re underperforming because they feel sorry for them and they don’t want to have a confrontation. People say ‘well what if they’re all outstanding.’ We know that’s not true given the Pareto principle. And, definitionally everyone can’t be outstanding. It would make the word an oxymoron. It’s like Superman living on Krypton. He ain’t super no more.
I’ll go over it again. When people aren’t happy at a job and they’re looking for the door, they look for scapegoats. In his case, it looks like he found the one that would get the Twitter brownie points and went with that. Again, the policy wasn’t new. People do not quit jobs they’re happy with because of an HR policy, it’s never happened and it never will happen. But, it makes the influencers happy they get react content for another video.