Brann bugged, none of his specs are working

So, I just entered a T10 devle (one of the new ones) and none of his specs are working. He isn’t healing, he isn’t tanking, hes only doing his dps attacks.

In tank spec he isn’t even wielding the shield or pistol, just an invisible gun. And for his healing spec, he isn’t even casting a single ability. Only one that seems to kind of work is the dps spec.

Am I the only one experiencing this? I cant be.

Blizzard! Look into this!


same for me

others are saying theirs are working great

idk why ours, and others aren’t working.

my conspiracy theory is that there are different versions of delve stuffs for groups of , or even individual, players and the patch just uncovered it in a more obvious way.

I’m sure I’m wrong, but here we are, living the dream.


This sucks, ugh…

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my tank Brann never taunted anything
wouldn’t hold agro, either

just died alot and put lots of campfires down

he even put one down at the entry of the delve which he’s never done before

not mad about the campfires
those were far and few last season.


he is, in fact, not healing at all. not me, not himself, nothing. in fact, after an entire delve, i pulled up meters and i was the only one that did any healing.

the only thing he does is drop a campfire every few fights. (which, we wouldnt need if he healed.)

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give it time 7 days and the tank bran will be better due to new skills we be getting
he is using the dps/healing curios

Not healing for my hunter as well. Very frustrating bug and really surprised this was released with this bug considering how popular delves have been in season 1.

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Yep same, he is doing nothing at all, only damage I see on the meters is 33k, as healer no pots or healing and as tank no aggro.

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All of Brann’s abilities are greyed out so he can’t use any of them regardless of which profession you select for him. Do we have to wait until S2?

For me, too. This is inexcusable even for a new patch. Does anyone ever bother to test this stuff?


Been happening on Live, was reported on PTR…Blizzard doesn’t care.

I had the same issue i changed his spec in the delve then walked out and back in and he was holding a shield and tanking from then on. don’t know if this will work for anyone else

He puts campfires whenever you’re under 50% HP IIRC

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off topic, but I turned down the polling rates on my keyboard(8kHz) and mouse(1KHz) and WoW seems to be responding better.
Keyboard Corsair K100 turned down to 250Hz and reddragon M908 turned down to 125Hz.

Haven’t tried Zek ?? again yet with these settings, but I’ve not noticed the strange things going on anymore while questing and doing delves on T8 so far.

My thinking was I was saturating something and my mouse/keyboard was getting desynced when the command queue started dropping packets to re-sync so I was getting “missed” keypresses cuz of the way the queued packets were getting dropped.