Brann bugged for anyone else?

I cant pick a spec for brann on alts. nothing in branns panel can be clicked on,

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Seems like it’s just you, I’m afraid. Just logged in to check on one of mine. I can select a spec for Brann. However, I had previously done a delve with this alt. Have you done delves with these alts previously?

And just checked one of mine who previously hadn’t done one. Able to select things with her as well. Try a /console reloadui, logging out, then back in, or worst case, a full UI refresh.

we posting here

thank you <3

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My brann wasn’t healing in my delves. As a healer speced bran.

He literally did like 2k healing and 20k dps.
Pretty sure hes all kinds of bugged.

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I did the 3 delve quest last night and had Brann in tank mode. He did the things he was supposed to. Will check other specs after work, then jump into the thread Raven posted if I also have issues.

I am having the same problem on my 75 goblin warlock, supposed to pick a combat role but there is absolutely nothing available. So, no, its not only you as others have stated.