So this topic is ok and worth discussing, but the other one isn’t, huh? If only you could make posts like this even if it’s something you disagree with.
Your other thread was rooted in bitterness and you remained bitter throughout. You invalidated any opinion that didn’t jive with your own, berated, and insulted people for not towing your line.
Back on the ignore list you go, because apparently you’re incapable of having a civil discussion unless you agree with it.
This is exactly what I’m talking about; you are hostile towards anyone who isn’t in lockstep with you. You are a fascist.
normalize all hunter and pet damage for all specs in all situations, hunters will add damage just by existing.
swap out hunter user interface for rhythm game.
Make hunter mode accessible to everyone through the /afk command.
haha I kid I kid.
I’m hoping the next batch of runes are interesting for you guys.
I struggle to find a reason to use any of the other runes we currently have, so yes, hopefully the next batch are a little more interesting and less… controversial? I dunno. I don’t really care either way if Hunter gets buffed or nerfed, I just like it for the soloing potential and pet, and it probably won’t ever lose those.
This 100%.
Abilities that involve the pet but are activated by the player like the retail version of KC is good design for BM.
Similary, passive runes like cobra strikes that enhance the pet when the hunter is actually playing the game is good design (cobra is trash but that’s another debate).
On the other hand, a passive like the BM rune that is just a flat buff to the pet and still applies when the player is afk is not healthy.
BM pets doing more damage than the hunter is a non issue. The issue is when all this damage is automated and requires 0 input from the hunter.
Pretty much every thread you are in turns into a clownshow of you arguing with someone, calling them trolls/names/being condescending then telling them you are adding them to ignore, you are remarkably unable to observe your own conduct over hundreds of posts that are all the same. You demand civility but you don’t offer it
Not my fault some people think every conversation needs to be a battle, and every battle needs to be won. Unfortunate consequence of the times we live in… you, and them, will get over it once you learn to grow up… maybe.
Oh yeah, and have fun being ignored. Plenty of other people here that know how to be civil.
Just throwing this out there, this a post i made a while ago for fun about some hunter rune ideas for all 3 specs and added tank hunter in there with the right choice of runes for that DW rexxar fantasy… go take a look and feel free to extrapolate on that!
Make them do about 20% less dmg with their pets overall, but give them some damage boosts with their other runes.
see what i mean
to continued hunter nerfs
disagreeing with me = not civil
Someone else made a point in some other thread about how Hunter was the only class that had no alternate spec other than DPS… at least now with runes. Mages can be healers I guess, Warlocks and Rogues can be tanks, only Hunter seems to be the odd man out. Maybe there will be some other runes added that will let Hunter tank.
I suppose it would require retooling how the class works, but maybe something like moving some of the upfront damage that a hunter does to the pet could be an interesting balance change. Like with no pet out (aka Lone Wolf), Hunter has their full damage potential, but when the pet is out, some of the damage is moved to the pet instead.
i surely hope so, aspect of the monkey as it stands is a dead ability and will never be used plus there are no tank right now mitigating damage with the dodge mechanic! They are all either block/parry or straight up dmg mitigation via lots of armor or abilities…
guys i looked at madae’s logs and its true, he really does do 50% of the damage of warriors, it all makes sense now, it was anecdotal and not an opinion of balance, i never thought about it like that
Well monkey is pretty useful when being attacked by melee. It’s pretty much a given that if you get jumped by a rogue or warrior that you’ll probably want to switch to it… though I guess in the case of the latter, not all that great of an idea since Overpower would trigger a lot and that kind of sucks. I’ve played many Warriors over the years and Hunter was always one of the easiest classes for me to take on.
Still, Survival being turned in to something other than “that weird meme spec” that is arguably only useful in raids would be kind of cool to see.
Go to day one Hunter, adjust each skill and pet skill accordingly. If lightning breath is hitting 50% harder than it should, nerf lightning breath 50%. It’s not rocket science, just more work than the 8 people Blizzard evidently gave the team wanted to do.
I have no problems with Hunter but I am a Hunter
Biggest complaint I see on here is PVP
So step 1, nerf pet damage against other players by 10-15% don’t nerf hunters anymore in PVE
Step 2, buff the hell out of Lone Wolf.
I mean like an extra 10% damage, 5% boost to other stats, 1-2% hit rate increase. Still might not be enough.
Step 3, move runes around a little the current placement sucks
Step 4, Allow hunters to tame exotic pets
Step 5, Quit damn whining about a level 25 meta and just enjoy the damn game and if not play something else. Damn the WoW community is the brattiest, most entitled, sissies I have ever seen
Not directed at OP btw
I have a feeling most people who work at Blizzard don’t actually play this game, at least not like the players do. They might play to test things and whatnot to make sure it all “works”, but actually enjoy the game and play it in their off time? Eh, I find that hard to believe with the changes that get made, otherwise they would know what people were actually upset about and not just randomly nerf things here and there because it “felt” like it was too strong.
There was another thread of someone whining about some streamer getting instant KO’d by a hunter that popped off an aimed shot, chimera shot and whatever else. I’ve always figured that Lone Wolf needed a buff if it was ever going to convince people to leave BM, especially considering the identity of a Hunter is deeply rooted in pet, it’s just an altogether natural thing to do… so to get rid of the pet and lose the one thing that really keeps you safe from being pounced and killed, traded for what is arguably a one trick pony of dumping all your high damage abilities “and then what?”… Lone Wolf just needs to be stronger to convince people to do that… but at the same time, you got that streamer story. I knew it was going to happen eventually, it just happened sooner than I thought. As soon as you buff Lone Wolf and someone gets insta-killed by that Hunter, you’re going to get exactly the same thing you see happened with BM. People will whine all day despite knowing for a fact that even though it turns Hunter into a ranged powerhouse, they are still extremely vulnerable in melee, especially without their pet.
It’s not like no one can deal with Hunter, either, most classes have an answer to them in some form, plus it’s level 25 and the game was never supposed to be balanced around this level. Some of these complaints just crack me up too, because it’s like they just don’t know what it is they have and where Hunter is most vulnerable. And this will all change as soon as the cap gets raised, capstone talents are in play + mount, and everyone has their full ability kit. Hunter will no longer be king. They’ll be good, but not as good as they are now because very few can catch a Hunter in Cheetah and it makes kiting a breeze. Throw in BM for a stronger pet and it’s like all the pieces fall into place… at least, that’s my theory. Who knows what the Runes will do to “the meta”. It could be all over the place wild.
Lone Wolf needs to be buffed massively and have certain passive abilities added to it. I suggest adding Aspect of the Viper to it and give the hunter a mana regn ability.
Many other fixes need to happen, they might as well remove all the damage increases from Beast Mastery and in turn buff kill command by reducing it to a 30 second CD and letting it work with all the specials again and changing cobra strikes a bit maybe letting it just be a passive if you crit with normal attacks and shots your pets next hit crits.
Move Explosive shot to pants runes and swap it with kill command and buff explosive shot a bit more. Change serpent spread to also allow serpent sting to scale with attack power. Change Flanking Strike to have an 8 second CD and remove the refreash with Raptor Strike.
Master Marksman needs a 5% damage boost to range attacks with the 5% crit. Sniper Training needs to last 6 seconds on moving and take 3 seconds to come online.
I’m actually expecting a big overhaul on many classes runes currently in play when phase 2 launches. Not just hunter is graced with useless runes in comparison to others.