Boxxing is pay to win

Uh no because the token exists, most people aren’t going to multibox farm for the equivalent of a dollar an hour when you can just token

If the advantage of multi-boxing was significant it absolutely would.

As it stands, multi-boxing is no more “pay to win” than buying the most recent expansion or a subscription.

“Having a 5x multiplier to your farming route is the same as 1x”

Lmao cmon

Wrong it only has value.

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Why then would Blizzard allow multiboxing? And if they wanted to allow multiboxing, then why not just change the rules if they ever decide it becomes a problem?

It’s almost as if the rules, as currently written, already allow multiboxing and you’re just repeatedly missing the point so you can keep arguing.

I can do that too!

Yes, it is.

Same as above.

Nothing I have said or done has been to elicit a negative response. Everything I’ve said is just fact. I started into this conversation because some people have the wrong opinion that Multi-Boxing is not pay to win and that Blizzard wasn’t just catering to the multi boxing communities because it was lucrative.

Blizzards original stance on multi-boxing was due mostly to the fact that multi-boxers had a low impact on the economy and were a novelty. Multi-boxing now supports gold sellers, effect the economy on a massive scale, and has become a significant advantage in gold making. While multi-boxing evolved, blizzards “stance” didn’t. -My opinion

I have no suspicions and the only butchery I see is what you keep posting. Ignore most of what I say and spout nonsense to the rest.

CoC and EULA are my sources. Those are literal legal documents, as a source they don’t really get much better. I haven’t butchered anything all quotes are the entire statement. You want me to post the whole thing and just note on 90% of it as not relevant to the conversation?

It’s very clear you can’t grasp simple concepts and just lash out with nonsense when you don’t get your way. This is no longer a discussion and I wont repeat myself again. Unless you can say something that even hints at the ability to think rationally, don’t expect a response.

So you’re saying we should ban people who can play 5x as long as others?

Activision-Blizzard earned $6.49 billion last year. There would need to be hundreds of thousands of multiboxing accounts in order to make up a noticeable amount of their total income.

Don’t worry you won’t.

I didn’t even know Dhalsim played WoW, love your reach man

CoC and EULA are not your sources.
Blizzard has already said they do not make multi-boxing illegal.

So… you are wrong.

If 5x gain is bad with multiboxing then 5x gain through time played must be equally bad. Otherwise someone might think you don’t actually care about fairness.


Negative, those people have that time available and it is what it is, is it fair? No

You can explain it real easily like this, you and your friend are leveling separately and one plays twice as much but attempts to boast of how quickly he is leveling day by day, the natural response is going to be “but you get to play all day”

Gimme a break lol

He says as he quotes the literal answer to his question in his post.

A multi boxer farming 5x herbs is no different than a guild having x5 players send herbs to the guild bank.

The end result is the same. The time invested per character (which is all that maters in wow) is the same.

People have multiple accounts available as well. It’s not like multiboxers are the only ones out there who can buy extras.

Nice dodge. Try again when you can answer my question.

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They allow multi boxing because it would go from making money to costing money to attempt to police the players for then breaking this new rule

C’mon bois we’ve been down this road enough we can remember the key easy points

So blizzard posts literally saying that it doesn’t violate any terms are lying?


Burden of proof is on you. Not me.

You’re the one trying to prove something.