Boxxing is pay to win

Only pointing out your sever short comings.

This is what I just don’t get… If it is part of the game and allowed by Blizzard, that means ANYONE can do it, yes, anyone. The entire game is PTW now. Singling out MB’ers that make up like 1% of 1% of 1% of the population is just looking for a reason to be angry. Like calling them out for PTW is going to change a single thing.

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I am sorry you get offended for being wrong.

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I did. I played this game for years just like everyone else. I learned the rules. I played by them.

Over the years I saw a few multiboxers and got interested enough last year to try it out. I did my research; poured through the EULA/ToS, blizzard agent’s statements posted on several reputable WoW info sites, spoke to several GM’s, as well as members of the boxing community.

I have educated myself, and I don’t cloud that with some personal bias or hidden agenda. Your posts only demonstrate to me that you DO NOT completely understand the rules, or how multiboxing or it’s software actually works.

-Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

Semantics issue #3:
Does multiboxing give a player an in-game advantage?
“Yes–and so does grouping.”
Therefore, can multiboxing be considered an exploit?
“No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it. Five multiboxed accounts can be feared and CCed just like five solo accounts.
Malkorix, Blizzard Poster

“Think of a single key-press as a lever. You pull the lever, and something happens.

Think of multi-boxing as simply attaching 5 levers to a single handle. You’re still only pulling one lever, it just affects more than one something.

Now, think of automation as a lever attached to a set of gears and pulleys. You pull the lever, and a whole slew of bits and bobs start working, gears whirring, pulleys spinning. You might pull a lever, but it sets a process in motion that would be impossible with an ordinary pull of the lever if those gears and pulleys were not in place. Automation can apply to a single character just as much as it could with multiple characters.

The point is that the ‘something’ that occurs spools out without direct human involvement aside from the initial pull of the lever. That is automation. Even if it’s only a single extra step.

In multi-boxing, every action taken by those characters has its source in a human command. Each individual action. Thus, it is not automation.”

“We have drawn a line. You’re talking about automated behavior. Multiboxing is not automated. There is no automation. There is no great advantage, there is no illicit behavior, there is no overwhelming benefit, there is no automation.”

Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

“Allow me to set your argument to rest. This:
Add in a 3rd party program. You press ONE button and all 5 screens react. How exactly is that fair/legit? It’s not. The ability to control 5 computers at once with 1 single keyboard and 1 single press of a button is automation. The ability to make your characters cast their individual spells and skills at once by pressing 1 button is automation.
Is not automation by our standards. This is why multi-boxing is just fine.
> The moment that single keypress initiates a string of actions not normally possible via our base macro system for an individual character, then that is a different matter. It is also a separate offense.

> Multi-boxing, currently, is not a violation of our policies.
> That is all.”

Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster


Not supporting third party software only means that they will not provide (gasp) support if something goes wrong with that software.

The EULA and the CoC are clear and multiboxing does not violate them. It takes deliberate misinterpretation to come to the conclusion that multiboxing violates any of the rules.

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First off, Addons are just that, added on to the already existing game using in-game lua to function.

any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

Please link any single post, within this forum, were Blizzard expressly (explicitly; clearly.) authorizes the use of third party a named program.

I know blizzard is OK with multi-boxing, but just like police that don’t enforce certain laws, it doesn’t change the fact they can ban you for multi boxing.

Players do that. Not the entire playstyle. And I feel like you really should have a talk with someone at Blizzard. Ask them about boxing and third-party apps, because you are clearly misunderstanding the written text.

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That’s specifically why they say unauthorized.

The go further to describe unauthorized as anything that automates game play (which multi boxing does not do)

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No. They ban for breaking rules. Multiboxing by itself does not, players do that.

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I guess that means nobody should be able to use a browser while playing the game. Because they’ve never “expressly authorized” any of them.

This isn’t them not enforcing anything. This is you misinterpreting the rules and acting like Blizzard is being inconsistent with whatever you’ve concocted in your head.

Anyone here, just multibox for the lols…I mean I do, I don’t even use any ui / addons. I just like to help an alt, and I love having alts! I have to alt+tab to each window, if I want them to do something I have to press a button on that one I want to do it…I mean maybe I am old skool boxing…but if its all in the name of fun why is it wrong? I mean someone can single box, work the AH and farm to get a long boi. Then one guy can multi box for it, but one guy could just buy a ton of tokens…what one is more p2w?

Except you have to pay to do it, therefor you are paying for an advantage. This is an advantage that is gained by using a third party program to effectively control your group. Without the ability to send keys to multiple clients the advantage is lost.

We are not discussing other forms of pay to win that exist in the game, we are discussing Multi-Boxing.

Let me know if you have anything valid to add on the topic.

I’m sorry your only reason for existing is to troll on a forum.

I like to multibox, and wear cool outfits…or toybox item looks, and ride around on my mounts…dose that mean I am getting an advantage in looking good in my t mog? Sorry but, had to add that XD

I am sorry you haven’t made any valid points so far.

You don’t need to spend a single penny on multiboxing.

Personal attacks when your argument fails, so predicable.

Are you aware that circumventing a ban is also against the CoC?


The point is that you could. If a person was so inclined, they could do that.

The alternative is an insane amount of gold farming just to keep the subs up.

Anyone can cheat, at anything, at anytime, anywhere…multibox or no anyone chat cheat.