Box of Many Things macro?

Is there a macro to view the Box of Many Things without being in Torghast?

Was hope there was something out there like the Great Vault macro
LoadAddOn("Blizzard_WeeklyRewards"); WeeklyRewardsFrame:Show();

This seems to get the job done.

/run C_Garrison.GetCurrentGarrTalentTreeID = function() return OrderHallTalentFrame.garrTalentTreeID end OrderHall_LoadUI() OrderHallTalentFrame:SetGarrisonType(Enum.GarrisonType.Type_9_0, 461) ToggleOrderHallTalentUI()

It might break any addons that rely on C_Garrison.GetCurrentGarrTalentTreeID() though. Implementing it cleanly without affecting anything else would take a bit too much code for a macro.


Sending much love your way for this! <3 <3

Here’s a version that doesn’t break anything else:

/run GCGTTI=C_Garrison.GetCurrentGarrTalentTreeID;C_Garrison.GetCurrentGarrTalentTreeID=(function() return 461 end);OrderHall_LoadUI();OrderHallTalentFrame:SetGarrisonType(111, 461);ToggleOrderHallTalentUI();C_Garrison.GetCurrentGarrTalentTreeID=GCGTTI