Bounty Satchel?

I did heroic+ yesterday on launch, and the team rolled for 1 satchel (ya boi won it)

Today though everyone got one, so I guess they changed it?

Is it farmable or what are the restrictions? 1 per day? Only for the heroic daily?

They literally only changed it a few hours ago, now everyone gets one. They only come from doing the daily H+ dungeon, and you can only get 1 per day.

Silly change to make it on the Heroic Daily dungeon only… because then why even have the bag drop… just increase the quest rewards from 2 to 5 badges…

Making it multi-drop untradable is good …

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A weird decision to be sure.

It’s a daily bonus for Heroic+, you can still do the usual Heroic for your 2 Conquest badges.

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