Human warrior Jaysin
Gnome lock Cuddlebuns
Rolled with Oh Em Gee for a min
Tell Belt that Dodgie says hi
Say hi for me as well
fine you can have the sword if you need it
Srgslaughter-Rogue later changed to lethaldose
My Brother-Quantum/Quantumn the axe smith Warrior
My wife Faithgodess Priest
My Father in Law Kajjee Hunter
Guild KOBRA/Skeleton Key/Oh Em Gee
Looking for Belinar, Ilikeswords, Jrix, Stewie from Oh Em Gee, many others who remembers polestar, blackboots, eggbert, yogogorilla, alpha? On the horde side? Like to say hi to Rocco (shaman) the first horde to kill me lol. Shamans are the overpower? lol.
Hi Rila! was in Oh Em Gee, with stewie, yourself and many others on my hunter derringer I will be coming back I will be on whitemane/Fairbanks.
I played NE Hunter Vegabright and Human warlock Liayleth
I was in Valkyries, with Bodvar ( I think?) as a guild leader.
I remember well also rogue in Red Star named Tharandiul and I have a hunter named Grimbow. I’ll be playing classic on Myzrael was just curious if anyone was still around. Ramious, Medler, Andarla, etc???
Heya dodgie it’s Tharandiul
Tharandiul checking in! Where the heck are Ramious, Medler, Andarla, geez I’ll even take a Kaefia for crying out loud!
I remember the Heroes/Tempest merger. I was healing with Bruni my Dwarf Priest. Those first couple years were some the best memories I ever had in game. You can still find the Recruitment video for Heroes which ended with our downing of Ragnoros
Tell Dragonheart Bruni says hi
Mafia will see you on the battlefield
Bainad - Holy Paladin
- Classic: Furion
- Later: The A Team, Resurrected, Havok
Hey Grim long time
Can’t forget old rogue running buddies
I’m going to be on Whitemane
Hey! Good to see you’re still around!
I haven’t heard anything from ramious and them.
My friends decided on Faerlina Alliance before it became the streamers server, and we didn’t want to coordinate picking a new server after we found out. So this will be interesting.
Played a dwarf pally named Novus and a nelf druid named Xayd. Xayd was a resto druid in KOBRA for a while, don’t remember any other guilds.
I was a nobody on the server, but I’ve seen some familiar names here and the nostalgia is REAL. Best of luck to you all in your next adventures.
Dangerfield NE-Hunter here! I’ll be playing on Whitemane. Super excited Wasup Niex and Vash ^.^
Now with proper avatar!
Beros, it’s me Hearte! Hope all is well, man!
Hearte, Human Priest
Guilds: Colossus, Dire (I think a couple more before those)
Looking for all sorts of folks, especially those who were present for raiding through MC, Ony, BWL for all sorts of server first kills.