Boulderfist Alliance Reconnections

Feel free to add me on discord!(Waffletron#0653)

I’ll be on Faerlina though.

Vashthedash, Night Elf Rogue
Dragon Knight
Any old raiding people from DK or others that I met when doing my Undead Strat runs back in the day.


Hey Buki, its vash, would be pretty cool to raid with everyone again

Dizfactor, gnome mage. Was in Dragon Knight all through vanilla.

Hey Beros, Its Niex. Im rolling WhiteMane. Maybe ill see you around!

Hi Paranor. Its me Niex. Ill be rolling on Whitemane. Maybe ill see you around.

Soup is the best mage.


Sup Dodgie!
Naw, Lance, Madpogz, and the rest of my RL crew don’t sound like they are coming back; at least right now anyway. Haven’t heard much of everyone else, Red Star had clicks for sure and just hope I can find more of mine; fond memories for sure. Have a guild forming on Horde Whitemane PVP server and would love to see folks there. Hit me up in discord for add to channel if folks are interested in joining.
If anyone see’s Ramious send him my way!

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Add me on Discord yo, Fathermike and Madpogz say Hello! And no Dodgie you aren’t getting the first BWL sword, it’s mine again!

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Blast from the past. Found you in a couple old pvp vids. Filmed on potatoes.

I know you’re in this one for sure, around the 3:45 mark.

Not sure if you’re in this one.

Are we going to see a new Druid Raid Officers?

Nasta - Night elf rogue
Forsaken Dynasty / Order of the High Guard? / Leftovers

Old friends Pattio or Patio ?

Oh snap! I lost all footage/photos of my rogue when my old HD crashed. Thanks bro!

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So What server is boulder fist rolling horde on?

Hey guys, BalzMcGurkin here! Played a Dwarf Pally. Not sure I remember the guilds I was in, but some of the names I’ve seen are familiar. Oh eM Gee rings a bell for sure. I recognize a lot of these toon names too. Someone let me know when Mervin shows up.

Pretty sure we raided together in BC. /wave!

Hey what’s up dude? I still play off and on though I’ve moved around a few times over the years. The closer classic gets the more I think I’m gonna try to play. Family life will make it hard to play but I’m gonna give it my all.

oh damn I ain’t seen you in forever. Hope you’re doing good. Not sure where I’m gonna roll, honestly haven’t even looked haha.

Dragon Knight


Hey BalzMcgurkin, you were in Guards of Honor for awhile. Can’t forget a name like that being said over voice chat lol.