Boulderfist Alliance Reconnections

Hi! Same character since 2005. :slight_smile:

Human Warlock
Anti Guild Guild


Character Name: Shader
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guilds: Druid Raid Officers, Inferno, Highguard of Stormwind, Dynasty, Saga, Dragon Knight

Still play now and then! Few familiar names above! Sup All!

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oh awesome you’ll have to hit us up!

I remember you, I’m Tsung the human rogue!

Darkecho - Ret Paladin
Guild - Piano Key Neckties

I’m still here… On Boulderfist…

Karsh - Arms Warrior - Kobra

Karsh Smash!


Where is EGGBERT?


Let us know bro!


Gelvalst - Dwarf hunter

I raided with Heroes of the Realm. Then our raid team merged with another guild and became Tempest.

Our raid leaders where Aevis (spelling) a mage, and Flamebeard a pally. Bergelmir was our main tank.

We had a lot of good times.

Wardiemclure (dwarf priest from Kaizen) here, remember a LOT of these names and its good to see yall again!!!

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Druzette, NE Druid and Barbkevitch, human pally &
LF Feyde, Cerenity, & others!

Where is SOUP?


Montolo said he would be back

Riddley - mage
Kslick - priest
Trampstamp - shaman (blizzard saw fit to make it so i could never use this name again despite the hundred other people who are using it)

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Being the best mage.


Played a Hunter name Celidar.

Guilds: Unrelenting, Anti Guild Guild, few others I can’t recall.

Was expecting to see Soup, the best mage ever here.

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Name: Melokk
Race/Class: Gnome Mage
Guilds: Apex

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I was an alliance dwarf warrior Thornen, Montolo will absolutely return for launch. I will give him a link to your post.

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Name: Montolo
Race/Class: Gnome Rogue
Guild: The Incredibles

Looking forward to senselessly camping BRM with y’all fine folks.


I was pretty much a nobody, but I’m recognizing a lot of names in this thread!

Main NE rogue Shlia
My brother’s main: Gnome Warlock Blartimix
Alt that later became my main: NE Druid Waffleiron

Main guild I remember is Red Star.

Some of the people I remember playing with were Ramious, Medler, Pinunlocked, Dodgie, Beltannon, Kunoichime, Starcow, Ruslan, Kiya, Darksnake, Madpogz, Raelix, Adgettie, and Briarberry.

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Edit: Dragon Knight will be on Fairbanks. Message Dragonheart or me in Classic once you see the guild is made for an invite, or message one of us here or in current wow with your Classic character name(s) to be added to the list to get an invite automatically once the guild is formed.

Guilds: Ambient Darkness, The Legion briefly, and Chaotic Sovereignty / Dragon Knight.

Tagging Varos, Sangiovesse, Chro, Tremmor, Deershank, and Caloric/Berenna in case they’re coming back and see this post.

Dragon Knight will be rolling alliance again on a PVP realm. Lots of longtime players are still around in it. If you’re an old Dragon Knight member looking to reconnect, hit up Dragonheart or me in-game sometime.

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I definitely remember you too, and Alastar (used to always get the name confused with Alaster) as I’m sure people used to get Moonrane and Moonrage mixed up too.

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