Bots have infested WoW Classic

You’re going to appear in every thread now, aren’t you

You’re in every thread I’ve read today LOL

Yeah this has gotten super annoying. I go to a location to get 60 runecloth for an alt and have to compete with 3 or 4 bots now. I report them every time I see them (gnome mages) but I’ve been seeing them for weeks now. In Azshara the same bots have been farming blue dragonkin for months. A few of those bots I’ve reported 7 or 8 times now and yet they are still there. This is pretty serious because not only is it a pain in the butt for legit players who are trying to farm mats, but it throws the game’s economy out of whack.


I’ve yet to see a bot in Classic.

I have seen more people using kick bots and dot bots and rotation bots than anything else in pvp.

Just curious, does anyone know why bots would be saturated in classic but eradicated in retail?

Those are definitely non-bot guilds on pvp servers. At least on the ones Ive played seriously. My advice: introduce yourself and join the guild on your server that focuses on resource gathering. Or. Get bored farming and stop focusing on flasks.

As for pve servers…

Your only option, imho, is to ignore the mat game if you don’t, or can’t know the guild(s) that post the items on the AH.

Have you ever tried messaging those sellers? I have, and most of the time I get a reply.

Classic’s endgame is narrow right now, and honestly thats the culprit: it is way too slow of a phase roll out for 2020 and material hoarding becomes a mini game for AH junkies like me

Im curious who even bothers to pay gold sellers in the first place, honestly.

Classic’s heyday is waaay back in P1 anyway.

Try a PVP server and then there are solutions to these pesky problems :slight_smile:

People who know grinding for 2 hours irl gives them all the gold they
need pay the gold sellers.

Huh? Taken literally, your sentence sounds really awesome, though.

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The black lotus bots are the worst of the lot

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bots actually lower the prices of stuff but.

I just cancelled my sub as well. I feel like WoW Classic is an afterthought to Blizzard and they ignore all these problems. Constantly facing and losing to pre-made after pre-made in so called “random” battlegrounds. Bots everywhere, more and more of them. Going about 0-60 in AV, getting to exalted with 0 wins in the US West battlegroup. No blue posts or tweets acknowledging any of these problems.

Today I ran across 10, undead mage bots running around east of South Shore in Hillsbrad, all following the same path over and over, all following the same exact script the same robotic way every time, not reacting to me at all. I’ve seen these bots there for days. There is no question whatsoever they are bots, not multi-boxers. It’s so blatantlly obvious in this case.

Likewise in PvP. When I was playing AV, there were always players sitting in the cave AFK, the whole match, never getting booted. The same players, with the same names, in game after game.

If these people got permanently banned in a timely manner, the number of bots would be decreasing, but instead I see it increasing, so it must be working out pretty well for them.


Their computers can bot 168 hours a week every week, I don’t think they care much if you take a few minutes of that on a PvP server.

“body seems unclear. is it a complete sentence?”

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Bots drive prices down, bud. They inflate the supply, but do not affect demand at all.


unless those bots sell items for real money. or they could be bringing down their gold prices. who knows? nobody is sourcing anything everyone is just saying whatever comes to mind

In which case the prices would be neither driven up nor down, so the OP’s complaint would still be invalid.

An excess of people farming (or bots that farm endlessly) would not RAISE the price of the items being farmed. You don’t need to source that statement; just use your brain.

there are many complexities to this game and to claim that something would affect the economy requires more than good faith

Just stop.