Bots are so bad now!

Bot problem is so bad right now that you got players accusing real players of being Bots! It has happenned to me 3 times as of late. I like to farm Wintergrasp for mining nodes and the competition is fierce on Mankrik so if you beat somebody to a mine they start accusing you of being a bot. I sometimes also mine there just before WG Matches and take the invite when it is time.

Not everyone are bots people some like to farm mines and flowers to take care of their alts or whatever reason. Some find it enjoyable flying around gathering while listening to music. Bots will always take the exact same route every time and they will not make any mistakes it is a perfect identical path. Chill out and leave people alone use the in game report feature even though it does not work:P

One guy ticked me off so bad I let my language get a little out of hand, but I do not take to kindly of being falsely accused!


I don’t even bother queuing AV on my DK.


What bots? :thinking:


Yeah they opened the servers back up and surprise surprise bots flood the placw


That was a recent change. and it be new chars only so they are not in av, yet.

also some real players on now reroll X+…have a process that is botlike lol.

I fired up a grobb char for giggles. Since I left no one took a name I used the last time there so I got that name back. Then some dude gave me 25 g to make charter sign their guild. it was a good start to the grobb experience, again, really.

and thus began the process. By the numbers, efficient as possible quest and mob clears is the process.

game sound off, my soundtrack on. Whisper away, I won’t hear its noification.

Level 5-9 Paladin on autoattack with a longish cd second real attack. lets see what the topic of the hour is in discord server x, y, or z on monitor 2. I have the time to read.

So Wow chat I may not see much. most of channel 4 was people looking for last minute VoA runs anyway. I can’t help them at level 7 with that lol.

Now I do buff passers by with might (all she has at the moment). And this is about as off script from the leveling process I get tbh.

This sounds like exactly what a bot would say

blame AI. its getting good at giving decent human like answers lol.

I’d like to see AI bosses. lets make raid really fun and interesting.

wait…the boss is doing his thing now?

Yes…the boss got smart. they will not run script at 65% HP that you know will come and setup for. The boss whips that out after ai picks up its better to do it…now.

I have also been a fan of the idea of let humans be raid bosses. let the players be, say, kel thuzad.

the kel thuzad that goes I see 5 people standing in fire. Screw attacking this tank…I will drop those 5 people with the aoe environmental assist lol.

You mean this well-to-do group of death knight enjoyers and enthusiasts aren’t real people?

No, I Follow ppl if I suspect them and if they are fly in way point pattern 3 times doing 180 turns with no with issues ever, raising always to the same level. If alliance I kill them leave node there and they don’t fly away and go for node again. Then repeat said process 10 times. I think it good to assume its a bot. While running pass me like I was not there. No human would rez run to node after dying 5 times in that way, let alone 10 times.

Or if your name is Ffdsddd.

I bet the ppl that BoT always play the victim. I swear Blizz I was not blah blah QQ.

Yet, they can literally see you hitting certain X/Y axis or in a way point motion just like an A/C computerized system.

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