Bots are here again

Mine just disconnects. I think next time I will look for the herbs/ore under my chair…

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit I often wonder that myself which is why they keep attacking those who prefer regular flying so they can hide the truth.


Bots will always be a problem as long as Blizzards choices to not fight them and go off of ‘highest player reports’ rather than upgrading their tech or being more proactive remain in place.

They will also always be in place to an extent as long as people decide to buy illicit gold, accounts, game keys off illegitimate websites, and so forth.


If someone shows me how to post video proof i will post the video i recorded.

Just a casual look at the market, how do you guys figure the 500k+ of all bfa materials going for less than 3 silver showed up

Bots never needed blizzard to put flying in the game, there are programs that let them do that when players couldn’t.

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No they literally blink between the stone pillars near dragon base camp.

At least you can skin all of the things they kill now.
Bind the interact button
Sit on Ox statue or whatever
Spin in circles spamming the button


There will always be bots and bots also pay a subscription even if the funds come from not such an honest source. It’s a grey area for blizz and these days they seem to be pretty tight lipped about it.

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I know what the comment meant. I was just taking a jab at the titan portals.