Bots are here again

Been mass reporting bots using automated battle systems for skinning. Please read my reports blizzard

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How you know they are bots tho

Beep beep boop. :robot:


There’s also some teleporting gatherers now.

They legit just TP from node to node (not the titan-touched portal)


I’m not saying for sure I’ve seen the return of bots, but late last night I spotted a duo of druids gathering in ohn’ahran. The same type of druid duos that were all over shadowlands, with one flying and the other jumping off to gather before jumping back on his buddy.

Possible it was just two players gathering together, so I’m not going to accuse anyone for now. Just hope I’m wrong about this, and that the bots have not figured out a way to program dragonriding.

Was confirmed earlier that DR had been botted already but this would be the first report(s) of gathering like this.

Yup, ore has tanked drastically since they got them up and running. Not worth mining anymore when ore is now 1/3 what it was. Glad I was able to cash out $150 worth of tokens before they got active.

And imagine everyone saying people who want regular flying back are bots when people are already doing it.


There is supposedly some other hacks going on too like teleporting direct to nodes and being able to gather 150 of whatever they are mining or herbing at a time.

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I was there. I seen it with my own eyes.

Well no, if it was the portal they would just be stuck at that node forever. I know it’s supposed to drop you off at another herb, but I swear that thing likes to just plunk me down at the exact same node I just harvested more often than not. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dear OP,
Some guy on the forum told me that bots no longer exist in WoW because of dragon riding. Perhaps what you were reporting were just groups of people who all decided to get dressed up the same, practiced their movements so that they would be in sync and farm stuff.


There is a lot of druids running around the ground nerving/mining in Azure-land.

The bots never left the game and never will.

But…but we were told the bots are gone because of dragon riding have we been lied to by the dragon riding cultists who want to remove regular flight say it isn’t so. :rofl:


My favorite was the, “dRuIdS aRe WhY nOrMaL fLyInG sHoUlD sTaY gOnE!”

watches DR bots flying around

Mkay, pumpkin. :rofl:


Course bots can teleport node to node but when I overload a titan node it takes me to the same node.

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I’m starting to think that those who want normal flying removed are the ones who are doing the botting.