Both shaman dps specs lost maelstorm energy

Mana is relevant. It’s more of a defensive resource now though. If melee are going to continue to have an infinite amount of gap closers/range abilities, mana should stay the same moving forward.

I thought you loved ele’s current iteration.

For what is now in the Alpha Elemental is gonna play the same way that is now, so the removal of maelstrom changed almost nothing.

I am referring to ele on SL, with the lack of the MS bar.

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I play all classes and I can say that mana was at least more interesting when it wasn’t infinite. Even on my 60 hunter in classic. You had to decide what you were going to do instead of spamming until it’s dead.

I personally don’t care for HP. I think Build > Spend is a good system some of the time, but I like a healthy mix of classes that don’t partake in that specific routine.

Specifically, of course, I’d like retribution to be more priority based like it once was. I liked that better, and I think they could have doubled down on it’s flavor without going with HP.

It works well as a resource for warlocks. More-so now that they’re moving affliction away from “stack tons of UA for huge burst phase” which didn’t align with the spec at all.

Don’t play paladin enough to comment on holy power. It seems a little strange for holy/prot, and raises questions like how Prot will get their active mitigation running on boss pull.

This is how I feel too. Shaman not having Maelstrom might sound good on paper, but it might end up feeling even worse than we have now.

Ele doesnt even seem good on paper. I really dont know what their design goal is. Because what they said isn’t lining up with what is implemented on SL Alpha.

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Its mostly our ‘stop stealing so many spells’ bar

Just fyi, that melee comment wasn’t a jab. I play both styles as well. If mana went back to older styles, they would have to adjust a bunch of things (melee damage/mobility, damage/cost of spells, mana increasing/replenishing abilities, etc…). There are way more negatives than positives to bringing it back

I guess my point more or less is that mana shouldn’t exist if you can’t run out.

You can. I can definitely run out of mana as an ele sham.

What about in raids? I play resto on my shaman and I was spamming heals the entire time, never coming close to running out of mana. My mage never runs out either.

Wasn’t the justification for removing maelstorm from shamans that they shouldn’t be yet another build and spender class? Yet they make every paladin spec a build and spende class…

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Maybe they think it works for paladins.

Still pathetic. It’s also just ONE ability to spend it on isn’t it?

Idk I don’t play the class. Merely trying to follow their logic.

Resto shaman mana usage basically has nothing to do with enhance/ele sham mana.

They are used for two different things.

And if you never came close to running out of mana, ever, while healing. I question what you are actually doing.

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No idea why you’re getting defensive when I was just giving you examples of my experience with mana on the toons I play. I was looking for how you did in raids and nothing more. Settle down.

Also you’re making huge assumptions based off nothing considering I normally net 1st or 2nd in healing normally.