Bot fishers spamming in Uldum

I recently fished a lot in Uldum to get the feast achievement for my guild and found lots of low lvl character bot fishing in Uldum ranging from 21-82. To confirm they are bots, I did:

  • PM them with no replies
  • Say and no replies
  • Had my Alliance character kill them, and they ran back to the same location and fished again.

Things are also happening in other layers. And I reported them many many times and the same 21 lvl fisher is still there!!

I know not many people fishing for gold, but there are people like me who enjoy fishing for some gold while watching movies. The bots are crashing the price of fish and food so badly that no human wants to do it now.

We need something to stop bots; just reporting looks not feasible.


How can level 21’s even fish in Uldum? They doing it for raw gold from grays?

Fishing is BiS, relaxing and makes decent gold.

Maybe sum by lock. The lvl 21 character name is Sklei-whitemane, always shows up in (26,9) Uldum.

Wish I can make a decent amount of gold. The fish and food are hard to sell and the prices continue dropping in my server. It is crazy to see many posts of 20x20 and 40x20 fish in AH lol.

Before I raided first lockout all I did was fish and RDF, I fished at the Alliance base in Twilight Highlands as theres pools around it that give Sagefish. Got about 200 in no time at all.

To be fair I don’t reply to random losers just like I don’t let players leech off me when I do tb quests

Yeah the ones trying to spam invites to catch tags

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Yeah, so I have my alliance character to gank them and see what happens. You know what? They don’t fight back; they run back to the exact location and fish afterward.

But tbh, if you are fishing in a location for a long time and someone around says or pm you, you’d better answer; otherwise, maybe reported lol.

Found the lvl 21 one again and took a pic this time: h(/)ttps://
Looks like I can not post link, remove (/) in the URL above to see the screenshot.

The in-game reporting feature is largely ineffective unless used for mass reporting. Its primary function likely is to reduce customer service workload by filtering out “pointless” tickets.

Back in the day, sure you could report something sus and a GM might go “Oh yea this is kinda sus lemme look into it.” The chance of that happening today is probably zero. Whatever was left of the actual CS department was shtcanned earlier this year. If the behavior cannot be identified through automated methods like heuristics or software detection, it is unlikely to be addressed.

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All of the TB quests are designed where grouping with other players is not a detriment. All of the drop quests drop quest items for everyone and the rest are pick items up off the ground or kill quests.

Grouping up is always faster. You don’t even need to stick together in an area. Like when killing 12 horde NPCs, its better to spread out to watch multiple spawn areas instead of killing the same area.

No it’s the petty people who didn’t catch the tag that’s wants to group up to do “less work” or make other people do the work for them… especially on the kill quests

All of them can f right off… kill your own things you’re not leeching off my kills

Most of the single kill quests don’t even need a group to get credit so technically there’s not really a need to group in the first place.

It is sad to hear that, sounds like well-made bots can easily operate in the game.

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