Bornakk, still here?

Between 1 and 2 was 4 years, 2 and 3 was 12, so it’s safe to assume Diablo 4 will be 36 years after?

Terminology matters. They always refer to World of Warcraft as World of Warcraft, Warcraft III: Reforges does not have a release date yet, so there is no doubt in my mind they’d be looking for more developers, as well as open the possibility for, unironically;

This. Command and Conquer went mobile, Blizzard wants to go mobile, Warcraft: Mobile is definitely possible.


I lol’d pretty hard at this, GG!


“I don’t mean to dodge the question, but I’m gonna go ahead and dodge the question.”
He was asking for Blizzard’s stance on communication in light of the recent layoffs, not your personal preference on whether showing results or communicating goals is better (and for the record, I’m not convinced that your preference is a particularly good one to have).

Is Blizzard actually intending on making any changes in communication? Are we just going to get more of the same old? Perhaps communication will even deteriorate to the point of becoming non-existent.

“Who knows! Tune in next time to find out!”


Not a question there, mobile is happening cus we all have phones.


Because the real answer to that question is “less”. They promise to improve communications but its always turned out to be a lie. Like how do you think firing more CM’s will improve communications now ?


Oh god that Candy Crush HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!:scream::scream::scream::scream:

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Lol “flown the coop”. Like they’re being given a choice.

Orinyx actually left last year, sometime around September I think. He’s with Riot now.

You (and Ythisens RIP) are obviously active. The problem is we almost never get any kind of substantive responses back. Look, it’s great y’all can come in and BS with the community. There’s a place for that too.

I really we would see a lot more activity in the Class & Items forums and the PTR patch forums. There are a lot of good and well reasoned posts there, especially for classes, that deserve more responses.


If there weren’t any activity there before, there won’t be any now. With less staff this is wishful thinking, nothing more.

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Now you’re just ridiculously over exaggerating. Obviously not that long, but they do take time. I wouldn’t think 8-10 years would be a stretch.

Hopefully they don’t make you go in the near future either. You’re like the last one I can think of that actually communicates around here after yak left. You’re basically our last line of defense now :disappointed:


Seems I’m always saying hello and goodbye to some blue here.

I suppose some loops can’t help but repeat…

… but some didn’t have to. Someone made a choice. A wrong choice.


Woah, the prodigal ______ returns. Like Gandalf before the fall of Rohan.

A wild fox appears :scream::scream:


I guess my question is why did one of the most vocal and respectful CMs get let go, but Lore still has his job with his attitude?

For reference, I don’t know you well enough as you’re fairly new to posting on the forums, so my intent wasn’t to say you’re not vocal or respectful, just we haven’t seen enough of you.

[edited by Forum Moderator: Please review the Code of Conduct we have available as a guide for forum use to prevent any future action. This post has been edited due to language.]

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Can we expect to see less replies to feedback? None at all? More?

We will not be ignoring the community. That said, I don’t mean to dodge the question but I would prefer to let our actions speak for themselves as we work through these changes because ultimately you and the rest of the community are the ones who will judge just how much we are communicating and listening to you. We are here though. :slight_smile:

Key words " I would prefer to let our actions speak for themselves ". Kinda sounds like another way of saying they will be replying less.

I really don’t blame them. Pretty much every blue post is over run with off topic comments and desires.

Hopefully it just means they will focus on solid game improvements.

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Please pass along to the senior Blizzard/Activision executives my extreme dislike for their exploitative greedy corporate business practices. Please let them know that I hope more gamer’s now realize how they function as a company and like me they to choose to stop giving them their money as well.

May Elune light your path Bornakk


Good to see you.