Bornakk on Communication Going Forward

I looked him up yesterday, he’s been active on the Blue Tracker on MMO Champion since the end of 2006.


Hrmmmm… *Cracks knuckles*

I’ll have to ponder this, great fodder material this week.

If you want to live up to our expectations then ask yourself “ What would Ysithiens do?” Then do that.


Can you contact ythisens/caden house and share the information he was planning on sharing with us before he got laid off? That would be cool if possible.


Exactly, which falls right in line with the statement that there will not be any major releases in 2019.

I lol’d qt the last part pretty hard.

Keep up the sweet nothings. They make most of us happy.

<3 Bornakk #oldschool

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Ythisens did stop by EsfandTV’s stream to chat with him a bit .

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I feel like they might be underestimating how big this audience will be dude lets crush the numbers so we get burning crusade as well <3


h8 esfand.

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Don’t let us down. I expect memes posted 18 hours per day. The first rank 14 meme poster on Blizzard’s payroll.


yes I agree with Alodar, more information on those things he stated pls!!

Hate to break it to the CM’s and Ythisens. There were “blues” a LONG time before WoW came around. Although I could believe Fangtooth was one of the first people actually hired to do that job specifically.

ScottM(ercer – WoW Raids and Dungeons), PatN(agel – Hearthstone, and Nagelring/Nat Pagel infamy no doubt) and AdamM were the Blizzard “Representatives” on the Starcraft Suggestions Forum back in 1997, although I have no doubt they had other responsibilities even then.

GFrazier(SP?) would be another candidate for the pseudo-CM title that would predate WoW to my memory, as I know he was working/moderating the Blizzard Forums as one of the “blues” during the days of the WarcraftIII Suggestions Forum. Although I understand his job title had something to do with Web Application Development or something like that, so the forum code likely fell in his domain, and so had the “privilege” of also getting to play forum moderator.

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I don’t know what you’re trying to say.

I don’t care if the CM posts once a month like Ythisens did, or posts 10x/day like Bornakk is. If the CM isn’t actually giving us any information, or relaying our feedback to the devs, they’re equally pointless.


He did provide information, Classic isn’t canceled.

Classic is still expected to release this year.

As to the relaying feedback? He can do that without ever posting anything. At least a meme post here and there lets you know he(specifically) is aware of a particular discussion, even if he provides no other information.

Communicating his presence somewhere is sometimes a communication in and of itself.


Not a lot, was impressed and saddened to learn that Fangtooth was evidently still around and still working as a CM until he was laid off on Tuesday. But was also mildly annoyed to see it claimed he was “the first blue” on the forums.

Whoa that’s some knowledge. Sometimes I think of myself as a bit of a WoW historian or curator (not really though lol) at this point but that’s on another level. I used BNet 1.0 for Starcraft in the 90s, but never checked out the forums until I played some Warcraft 3 and then later Vanilla WoW. The old WoW forums (pre 2008) can still be viewed on the wayback machine, though I have to warn people, it might look like the Wild West in some regards. (people used it to call out others on the opposite faction back then). All I remember are the vanilla WoW CMs but not further back than that