Bornakk on Communication Going Forward

Talk with your wallet, if you haven’t already. It is the only way.


If they’re letting their actions speak for themselves then around here at least, that might as well mean that they’ll be ignoring us.

Even Ythisens didn’t post here that much, and now he’s gone.


Was typing something and I see Bornakk is replying. This will be interesting…

Thanks mogar, you spooked him. :rabbit:

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He’s back, no he’s gone, no he’s back…

Yes, I did make that quote. If I had more to share then I would so don’t read into it too much.

I saw Mogar’s post and had to quote it.


His gerbil is running repeatedly over his keyboard.

edit: sigh

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Thanks for popping in anyway, Bornakk.

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Your/blizzards silence speaks volumes. I hope they powers that be realize the optics of current events.


I’m sitting here wondering how to respond to that. ‘Don’t read into it too much.’ What does that mean? That we shouldn’t expect communication?

I’m gonna bite my tongue right now.


Potentially stupid question, but it’d be cool to have this resolved so we can go back to posting iterations of the same five topics over and over again. During the conference yesterday, it was said that there were no plans for major releases from Blizzard in 2019. Classic is still “Summer 2019”, right? I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean Classic, but what do I know.

People were reading into the original post and making assumptions on what it meant. That’s all.

Simply put, we are continuing to work hard to live up to your expectations and will have more information soon™.


Much obliged. A lot of us really enjoyed Ythisens and his zest towards this particular project. Your fans are still here. We’re all just slowly killing each other though.


Are you doing it in the Barrens? Hillsbrad? Or somewhere else?


Nice one. :rofl:

Obligatory kappa. ;] <3

They probably aren’t considering that a major release, as that also leaves out the WarCraft 3 remaster which, unlike WoW Classic, requires a purchase to play. I would say major release probably means new game, ie Diablo 4, new WoW expansion, StarCraft 3, WarCraft 4, etc.

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Which is what I think as well, but we have a CM here who might be able to give us an answer so why not ask?

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That’s what a community manager should do and calm everybody down.

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If he can. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, I have to admit. :neutral_face: