Bornakk on Communication Going Forward

So you’re like Shar from the original Gundam series?

Agree with this 100%. Just knowing our concerns aren’t falling on completely deaf ears makes it feel like we are actually being engaged.
Also I love the meme play and trying to keep the atmosphere a bit on the light side. That is really working so far for our new CM. Hope it continues.


Thanks, Bornakk, for attempting to fill the Ythisens-shaped hole in our heart.

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Sorry, Bornakk. We just have to make sure you’re good with all these background checks lol

Here’s to hoping this will be more than a flash in the pan flurry of memes and then silence.


No worries, I understand your concerns. This isn’t an easy time but we’ll get through it together… then I’m sure you’ll gank me a few times in STV.


Thank you for your understanding…and yes I will…resistance is futile.


Smelly Horde gonna get ganked in STV for sure!

Hello there old friend… I’ve missed you ™ :smile_cat:


I know he was around with Neth and Zarhym… To me, I believe he is the only one left of what I consider the ‘original CM team’… He used to post a lot more on the forums, but I’m assuming that his job opportunities changed after Lore, Tea Goat and Ythisins came on board. He’s a good guy and I’ve always enjoyed his posting.

I always favored Black Rock Mountain.

I do see a parallel of mind-controlling us with the potential update of News only to cast us into the Fires of Soon™ below.


It’s the rope a dope, distractions before the knockout punch.

Be prepared to take it on the chin. Soon™

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He’s working the body like Tyson; the uppercut is coming Soon™.

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I looked him up because the name was familiar and since I didn’t spend any time to speak of in the WoW forums between the launch of Cataclysm and the announcement of Classic WoW, I had to go look him up on MMO-Champion to figure out why the name seemed familiar.

That he’s been posting pretty consistently all along would also strongly suggest its the same person doing so, given there currently are no known examples of them recycling CM names. :slight_smile:

But in related news, it appears that Fangtooth the murloc was also still working at Blizzard up until this round of layoffs.

They don’t consider classic to be a frontline title. Tells you what they know about their player base.


It’s just a truth that we’re no longer their target audience. If you listened to the earning calls, it was all about: mobile, mobile, mobile, more micro-transactions.

In regards to Classic there’s good and bad in that. I feel like the game will fly under the suits’ radar, and the devs will thus be left alone to do it how they want to. Which means an authentic game. But the gutting of customer support leading to automated systems (loot trading, auto-squelch) in a Classic environment is game breaking. Community-breaking, anyway, and in Vanilla the community is the game.

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I know… i worry that the game will be greater than they realize so they swoop in and monetize the crap out of it down the road which would ruin it… then they’d make up some reason why people stopped playing like it wasn’t them who caused it. As if it was mere coincidence the game started losing players after they get tgeir grubby hands involved.


And on top of that they took the one voice we did have through Ysithiens.

It is essentially a free re-release, not a new title with either an upfront purchase price or F2P with micro transactions, honestly idk how anyone could argue that it is a major release. Sure, you and many others are excited for it but it isn’t a new title.

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