Bornakk on Communication Going Forward

Neither was BFA. It was just additional content.

It,s great to see blue posting on the classic NA forums, it is comforting to see.
But can you tell me, when will we see anything like that on EU classic forums ?.
Last blue post there is from November 14, 2018. Feelsbad… real Bad.

15 a month isn’t free.

What I meant is there is no upfront purchase price, and anyone who is already subbed for BfA doesn’t have to pay any extra so for them it IS free.

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Last blue post there is from November 14, 2018. Feelsbad… real Bad.

Go take a look at the OCE forums sometime. One Blue post in two and a half years.

Aiming for a genuine classic experience here aren’t we?

Yes, this is a joke.


For them… There is gonna be a lot more than retail players coming back for Classic.

Dude Mogar… Get a mage to conjure some water for that burn.


I’m glad you realize you need to label something as a joke. You’ll fit in well here. :wink:


This is the most blue I have personally seen in a thread since my first excursion to the wow forums in 2005. Sadly, my favorite color is green. Luckily I have Nvidia control panel that lets me change the hue of my screen so that blue is green. Happy face :grin:

Wow people don’t know who Bornakk is? That makes me feel old I guess. Do you guys not know Neth either?

He hasn’t done a lot of front-line forum posting in years. Just here and there.

Neth has been gone a few years now, since around the end of WoD iirc. :cry:

I remembered Neth, I remember Tseric, I remembered Fangtooth, I remember Caydiem. Bornakk was a little more low-key so he didn’t stand out quite so much in memory for me.

I also looked him up in part because the name was familiar enough that I wanted be sure it wasn’t somebody else using a slightly different name.

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Its ok. I mean come on… if blizzard treats its dedicated employees this way then its pretty clear that mere customers don’t have a chance. There’s nothing the blue’s can do about it. They can’t even save themselves. I’ll count my blessings if Classic gets released this summer, and as long as Blizzard doesn’t try to charge me extra for it beyond the normal subscription then I’m good with that. After Classic is done the game will be over, and probably the franchise will be over too. I accept that the end is in sight.


Which is a business model that is failing on the pc platform. PC players will not be swindled like the mobile users and even console users (looking at you EA).

And with that post, Bornakk has surpassed Yithins’ total posts on the classic discussion forums in under a week. Now I see why he was let go.

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Didn’t you get the memo?

The PC Gaming market was declared dead by industry rags about the time TBC was being released.

I think it has probably been declared dead or dying many times since then.

The funnier part though probably has to be that Consoles were the thing that had supposedly “killed” PC Gaming back then…

I was referring to the disgusting microtransaction pay to win crap

Eh, there appears to be a quite substantial market when it comes to the web-app side of things. But yeah, the ones paying $50+ for dedicated clients are rightfully not so inclined to play ball with that.

Careful with those might hurt someone’s feelings /s