Boosts in TBC Classic A Disgrace

Is there a source to this or is this just your opinion?

It’s literally how every pre-patch has been in the history of wow

Got it. So your opinion.

Remind me exactly how many times in wows history have we had a prepatch jumping from a set patch to another set patch?

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Literally every time there’s an expansion you jump to the next patch of that expansion.

No. You dont jump to a saved prepatch from the middle of the upcoming expansion. Dont move the posts.

I know its an old post void, but we dont know this. WoW has a very seasonal feel nowadays, and this might cater to that a bit and for sure give the servers a boost in population for the start of TBC. We dont know if it will last, or what negative things might come with it after the initial rush.

It’s not needed. The playerbase is very split on it, and it smells of cash grab with only short term growth in mind. I too have an IRL friend who has zero interest in playing and leveling up in classic. He also thinks it would be silly to start at 58 and still be way behind. That doesn’t motivate everyone, and I feel like once you realize you are still very far behind the curve in TBC a lot of those boost people will quit.


Wow does have a very seasonal feel to it nowadays, which is why you might start to see mini expansions more frequently instead of massive ones every 2-3 years.

Whether it was the middle or tail end of tbc doesn’t particularly matter. It’s still the next patch in line.

It may be skipping from 1.12 to 2.4.3, but there’s no reason to think that it won’t work like literally every other pre-patch the game has ever had.

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You have literally always moved to the new xpac prepatch patch.

So vanilla was 1.

Tbc was 2.

Wotlk 3.

You get all class changes, talent changes literally everything in the new xpac in prepatch aside from the actual new xpac content.

Even in the latest version of wow Bfa to Shadowlands, prepatch have you the level squish from 120 to 50, couldn’t go to 60 because that was Shadowlands zone stuff.

From Bfa to Shadowlands it also gave you the new leveling stuff, the new talents, the new spells.

It’s literally how it has ALWAYS played out

Tbc prepatch will have the new races, their new zones the new talents, the new leveling stuff will be added, the reduction in xp to level. Literally everything but going thru the dark portal because that’s HOW IT’S ALWAYS been.

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What you are attempting to do is use historical precedence to push your opinion as fact. Rather than say I dont know, we dont know, or they have not said yet; you are acting like you have factual evidence. Whether you opinion may be right or wrong is irrelevant, the matter is that they have not said anything about how it will go, and you have produced nothing, zilch, nada when asked to produce it. So right now it still is your opinion.

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Not really an opinion when that’s how it’s been for the last 15 years.

You’re trying to make it seem like it’s 50/50 it’s not

There’s a major reason to think that it wont, because this is the first time we have ever had a classic server move to an expansion. That alone is reason to doubt historical precedence.

It is 100% an opinion unless stated by the games developers.

No it makes more sense to think that they’re going to keep doing it the way they’ve always done it because they’re even cheating the system by releasing shamans on Alliance and paladins on horde to make it even for raiding.

So you honestly telling me that you think they’re releasing that but not the way they done pre-patch for 15 years

It doesnt matter what you type or what argument you make, basing information on precedence doesnt make them factual. What makes them factual are Quotes from the developers.

I mean this is all irrelevant anyway because the boost are happening anyway.

No matter what imaginary requirements you put on them

Im fine with boosts happening, and im fine with them not happening.

The reason is all started is because you said you’d be fine with the boost as long as the AOE cap was in place on pre patch.

That’s irrelevant because the boost is happening either way.

But also have no fear because the pre-patch will have all that stuff.

So true in the end its all about how much money they can rake in the beginning before the no hard care leave.