Boosting nerfs & the impact on the levelling experience

it sounds like they’re killing it deliberately. imagine mid game, the first sixty levels are handicapped by the fact its 3 expacs along, on top of that a popular new race/class is added that cant be played in levels 1-58, add to that you have no tool to hunt down appropriate group members so you have to make groups manually and the level range you can choose from is itty bitty, no higher levels are allowed to help and the game designer chooses this moment to let people pay to skip the entire sixty levels.

i didnt charge people. i did it for free. mostly ran guildies and people needing help.

Doesnt matter. Its degenerate gameplay

since the game came out, higher level players have been asked to help lower levels. this is not degenerate, its community building. i help guildies. they help guildies. if i see someone asking for help in the community, i helped them, but now if i try to help, it hurts them instead.


It keep people questing waiting for pops.

Vice making dungeon night /dance by the dungeon.

When I make it dungeon night on the hunters 25 to 38…I leave quest areas. There is no dungeon for stranglethorn for the 38 NE hunter you see.

Not all have a lock for summons. so you go there to see the dungeon. which could not have a lot to do till pick up.

there is nothing really for alliance by razorfen. not much for horde either imo. I took my 26 blood elf there looking for yellow quests when hillsblad was all red death quests and I was seeing lots of green here. it is xp…but it ain’t yellow xp lol.

Compare that to retail. its an lfd that if slow opens all dungeon sign ups. somewhere in all the expac chromies…a slot is there for even a dps.

So…you get me in, well utgarde keep. I was leveling in legion chromie. the tank was from WoD. the healer MoP. on down the line.

do dungeon and we all go “home” at the end. there I am back in legion to make it have people.

it also gets unloved dungeons some love. Not many like to go see helya in dungeon in legion. whoops…forgot the water holes are instant death. yeah…you see that in chat alot. yeah…I don’t like this pull.

A classic cousin would be the naga dungeon in night elf land. I quested leveled all of ashenvale. No one was running this. I looked. I lfg’d. hell boosters didn’t spam here. I saw one booster. 1 night out of like 5 there.

LFD is the only reason Helya gets hit. No one would /dance for an hour for this dungeon. that part of legion story doesn’t even have a dungeon quest here for levelers iirc.

Doing the barrens for the 38th time in my life seems way more degenerate than paying another player to help me get to the interesting part of the game faster.

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It’s clearly not a large percent since they’re constantly complaining how dead the world is. If they made up a large enough percent of the player base then they would actually have people to play with and their leveling zones wouldn’t be empty.

With the rested xp guide and the xp buff why would you do anything other than questing? I did a stockades run and it slowed my leveling progress down. I found solo questing to be the most efficient!

I’ve realized that the tbc “leveling experience” it wasnt mean to be solo at all. Oddly enough on retail I would enjoy it way more and I would quest more and if I felt like doing dungeons I would change it by queueing some RDF.

Perhaps I’m an idiot for respecting different points of view, some people like slow leveling fine, others enjoy boosting fine others just want to level faster by questing also fine. The problem these anti RDF crowd has it was the same when they nerfed to trash tier heirlooms on retail…

It’s a false delusional way of thinking that they are going to recover the so called “SOCIAL” aspect by going against faster leveling. It was something new to discover back then for everyone now? it’s about min maxing the fun out of everything and see how quick and painless you can move on to the next goal… leveling in this game over the course of many expansions clearly it become more of a big stone on someones shoes than anything enjoyable, sure not everyone thinks this… but it’s not a coincidence that the game starts at max level no matter the expansion after tbc.

As for the OP and the “suggestions” I would just drop the thing all together. It’s a battle you’re not going to win. They (devs) hate boosting but love GDKPs that is, take that from what you will. I wouldnt suggest anyone currently sane enough to solo play to quest on tbc.

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The changes are horrible and have caused more harm than good. It didn’t even stop boosts, there are tonnes of pallies and even mages in Stratholme still solo farming. There are tonnes of mages running Shadow Labs boosts still, and even a few mages still running Slave Pens boosts.

Now low level people can’t ask their high level friend for help unless he stays out of the party. They definitely can’t do dungeons together. And now CC like Improved Blizzard can now randomly bug out mobs in a legitimate dungeon group. All it did was make the 1-60 process much more painful.

All they had to do was add RDF and increase the bonus exp awarded at the end of the dungeon by a lot. Then no one would even need to buy boosts from mages/pallies if queueing random dungeons was actually faster. But everyone know this is just so they can sell more level 70 paid boosts when the pre-patch comes out. Whenever they announce the date that is…

You read literally nothing in this thread. You saw three buzzwords and wrote a post. Not a single of my posts is talking about faster levelling, or RDF, or solo quest. My “suggestions” were targeted at two specific and ancillary effects of the nerf on at-level players in appropriate dungeons.

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