Not saying they shouldn’t make it harder to boost, but people have been power leveling and boosting characters since before WOW, it’s not something new and it didn’t come from the Private Servers.
So yes it was done in Vanilla, and while you might not have seen, it was there, so was gold selling and gold spam sadly.
It definitely was not there, Gold selling, and botting were. So any type of character “boosting” was done through automation aka botting and not having someone mass aggro mobs, and AOE them down in low level instances. Totally not part of the vanilla experience and should not be part of fresh
Just because you didn’t see it, didn’t mean it didn’t happen, again the idea of mass pulling stuff and then using AOE to burn it down, was around before wow in many of the games they borrowed their content and ideas from, and yes people even did it in vanilla, so while maybe not your vanilla experience it was happening.
Now you’re just lying. Plenty of videos on youtube from vanilla showing how to do it. Plenty of text guides with screenshots still up on old forums showing how to aoe mobs and sell boosts. It was called power leveling then.
Vanilla had boosting
Classic had boosting
Fresh should have boosting, it is classic. If you want anti-boosting measures they exist in retail and cata. That’s more for you. Classic should be classic.
Farming mobs by yourself is completely different. Just because you posted a video of someone farming in an instance doesn’t mean anything in regards to boosting. Show me an early boosting video.
AOE farming was totally a thing. But boosting in lower instances like that was not most people didn’t have a clue how the XP modifiers worked
See thing is, I agree with invalidating boosting. sure its a money making method but, it give people who havent experience the real leveling experience and incentive to spend money to spoil the experience.
I however see less of an issue with GDKP, i see the cons but also the fact it does encourage people to save up for an item they want instead of soley relying on RNG rolls or worse prey your guild leader decides you can get the loot, and good luck if you arent a sweat.
but also gdkps also have the issue of people upbidding and toxic interactions which is an issue
Then again i dont have much personal experience with GDKPs only watched a few, and seen pros and cons so i dont have the full picture.
I prefer if we’d have to PLAY THE GAME to level. I know those mages literally rely on the gold they make from boosting so they can sell it to survive, and you feel bad. Or you’re lazy and want to pay others to play the game for you.
It wasn’t just farming mobs, it was actual powerleveling, and it wasn’t even uncommon in wow. So the fact that WOW was probably your first MMO and this was new to you, doesn’t mean it was the same for everyone. In fact for most people who had played other games, WOW was heavily dumbed down compared to previous MMOs and still is. Really most of the things people claim weren’t done in Vanilla, actually were, but again they just didn’t know about it.
Either way, there are plenty of reasons to argue against boosting, thinking its the “Spirit of Classic” isn’t one of them, since it did occur and you just weren’t aware of it.
By the way, boosting, was also one of the way scammers would get ahold of accounts in vanilla, since often people willing to pay to get boosted would give their account information to the boosters, and yes it was a huge problem.