Book Recommendations?

Hello everyone!

I’m looking for books that are similar to the World of Warcraft ones (so like fantasy and nothing too crude in it). I’ve read LoTR and the Sword of Shannara series already based on recommendations from an old thread I made. Now I need more books. Any suggestions would be appreciated, even if they’re not like what I’m looking for :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Six of Crows.
Or anything by Brandon Sanderson.

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Check out the Drizzt Do’Urden series by R.A. Salvatore. Probably best to start with the Icewind Dale trilogy.


The Song of Ice and Fire series, better know as The Game of Thrones, by G. R. R. Martin is quite good.


Brandon Sanderson’s cosmere - so basically all of them. (Very large amount of reading)

Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files. (16? books so far)

Nicolas Eames’ Kings of the Wild and Bloody Rose. (2 stand alone books)

Steven Erikson and Ian C Esselmont’s Malazan series. (Huge, 15 or so most over 800 pages)

4 of my fav authors. Should take a min to burn through those.


Crude in what way?

Because the Doom books (by Dafydd ab Hugh) were pretty fun to read. They’re not award winners like what other people might suggest, but still a fun read.

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Also, the first Dragonlance series by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. It’s by the numbers high fantasy but still enjoyable.


I love the Dresden Files. Harry Dresden is one of my all time favorite book characters.

I just started Gardens of the Moon.


Side note: Glen Cook is a highly recommended author I personally couldn’t stand. He uses very short sentences and I found it super annoying, so read a sample before buying.

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I guess like “adult themes” if you know what I mean. I just feel uncomfortable reading stuff like that.

Ah, well you’re good to go on those books then. I thought you meant violence related. :slight_smile:

I mean, they are DOOM books after all. lol

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Well, you only had to read LoTR to get the plot to Shannara.

Be warned we are going on 10 years waiting for the next to last book so the last book should be out around 2040.


I love that book. He has a very poetic style that turns some people off because you can read sentence 5 times and still not know what is going on. I spent a lot of time looking stuff up years ago on my first read.

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I like Piers Anthony. “Bio of a Space Tyrant” or “Battle Circle” or the “Incarnations of Immortaility” series are all really good IMO.


uhhh i really liked
Brothers in Arms and Dragons of a Fallen Sun from the Dragonlance series
The Devils Armor by John Marco
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (New Spring specifically)

there are a ton of novels based on video games, Diablo and Hellgate have their own, Assassins Creed too

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Not really similar but probably the best fantasy books out there (imo): Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss

(but be warned… He’s veeeeery slow with the next book, if he’s even started writing it)


I’ve always been a fan of Forgotten Realms books. Finder’s Stone trilogy, Azure Bonds, etc.

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As many have mentioned, Brandon Sanderson is a good choice, either the Mistborn series or the Way of Kings is a good place to start. If you enjoyed Terry Brooks Sword, read Elfstones, it’s far superior to Sword. Wishsong is great as well but the Heritage of Shannara books are probably Terry at his best (also First King ties in nicely). You could also try out L.E. Modesitt, either his expansive Recluse series or his newer Imager series (which I’m currently rereading now). Those are just some recommendations off the top of my head. Anyway hope you find something enjoyable to read from all these replies :slight_smile:

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The Eye of the World is still one of my favorite books. However, after that each book was worse than the previous one. Although I think Brandon Sanderson closed out the series nicely.

I second this. Great series.

Thanks for the warning. I’ll be patient with the book.