bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

It's why they que to play with other people. Pretty simple concept.

Tbh if that's how an MMO should be, I don't know why wow did so well since how easy you can solo was a big selling point to players back in the day. EQ should have exploded with players in the millions since the basic trash mob past lvl 20 was the wow equivalent of a 5 man group quest mob of equal level. Killing those was the only way you leveled. No 5 man group, no leveling. Yet for some reason, that game only hit 1/20th of the population of WoW. It's almost like not being able to solo at all isn't something the majority find appealing. Weird.