I was a Human Warlock named Dorezain. I was in the guilds Stand Alone and Stoic. Hoping to find old guildies.
Entwil here. Human Warlock from Royal Knights. Had some great memories doing end game raiding with that guild (MC and BWL especially). Shout out to former guild leader Eqsux (I was still the better warlock DPS tho) and the hilarious paladin Forskeet.
Any peach. Rotten or fresh.
Pink and Proud
I am Statillius.
Asuka/Texx former droogie in vanilla, who all have you found?
Sounds like a plan to me! Lemme have it. Rolling warrior tank this time around. Been playing the stress test all day today. My GF wants to play on a PvE server but maybe I can change her mind. Glad to see you guys!
Gipster 60 Paladin was in Pirhana Brothers, Damage Corp, United Strength.
I remember guilds like Lux Lucis, AZ, Eye Candy, Stoic (which are on proudmoore, love seeing that guild still around), and of course Vis Maior! I hope to see some horde guilds back out there as the PvP and PvE game was fierce on bonechewer
Thanks the guild I was in, United
Thats the guild I was in, United Strength.
and Prevailed
Nausea Rogue / Shayke Priest
Raided in Novus until BC
Add me on battlenet (Polyphemus#1995) and I’ll link you the discord info, the hype is getting real!
It’s a pretty long list Texx. There are 40 of us in discord so far, almost all old school droogies. Xochil and Blonny are leading once again. Add me on battlenet if you want a discord invite
Welcome back!
Hey, its Pkunforgivin!
Why do I know that name…
Yondis here, Gnome Rogue in a few different guilds back in the day.
Will be maining prot warrior this time around bnet tag is Yondo#1746
Have a core group of about 15 that will be forming a guild or looking to merge with some alliance fellows here. Looking at PvP/Pacific realms (Fairbanks or Whitemane) with week night raiding preferably.
I am Statillius
Rosella here - GM of The Amazonians after Lana departed in early 2005. Had to change my name when we finally moved off Bonechewer in 2017.
Anyone seen Gortlock and is he still chasing the shiny beachballs?
Hello Rambowo. It is I, Justicar Bolivar, your old holy charged friend from the heydays of Bipolar. Remember the the ram runs, REMEMBER.
I raided with Bipolar from TBC till mid MoP.
Hi all, same toon name. I raided with De Novo and had a bunch of IRL friends in Ascended.
No way dude!! SPARTINOOO. We were in immortel or something like that in end of BC and wrath. no freakin way