Bone Serpent Drop?

So , im pretty new to pet battles and didnt start getting into them till 8.0. but ive gotten pretty deep and am slowly creeping to 1000 unique pets (958 as of this post).

I have not gotten the Bone Serpent to drop… since before 8.1 i have been beating Kura every day (minus the 2-3 month break), i have 15 alts that can look for her. i have about 4 extra of each of the other 3 pets she drops, but not a single Bone Serpent? Is my RNG luck just that bad? or did they nerf its drop badly after it was OP before?

Edit: To the person who mailed me a Bone Serpent. Thank You very very very much!! i tried to reply to the IG mail, but it said it couldnt find you…

Thank you very much! and now it will probably drop for me tomorrow now… hahaha

again THANK YOU!

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Suspecting it’s RNG.

Anymore I do the visiting trainers maybe once or twice a month and just got another Bone Serpent from Kura.

yeah, seems like my luck… still no serpent drop, other than the one someone graciously sent to me.

Well don’t that just warm the cockles of me old heart enough to see me through the long winter months ahead.

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i was not expecting that at all. gave me all kinds of warm and fuzzy feeling and renewed hope for the playerbase…

and then i read thru GD for a while… sigh… but atleast we know there are SOME good people playing still.