Body Type 2 Has Mailboxes

I’ll boot up Ballin’ by Mustard (feat. Roddy Rich)

Street performing musician
 also fan mail apparently

Wait until you hear about Dracthyr.

They should of kept it male and female, but 99 genders ya know😂

Eh. Simplifies matters for our nondimorphic lizard overlords.

And hopefully opens up some extra body types down the line for the older races!

Happy Sunday!

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TBH they probably didnt realize how sensitive and triggered people would get over something they see for 3 seconds on the character creation screen.

They should have realized how easily offended a section of people are.


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The devs are on Twitter. They knew, they just wanted to watch the world burn.

ill burn them mailboxes.

Not triggered, it’s just stupid and shows their agenda to pander to a specific group of people. I actually got kicked by my old guild I was with for 4 years because I said it was stupid lol. Some triggered turd got all offended by it and they kicked me lol. One of the most rediculous things I’ve been through. :joy:

Put on the banana hammock. :smiling_imp:


Of course you aren’t.

But like I said. Blizzard underestimated how serious people would take this issue. The amount of people we see complaining because of something they see for 3 seconds on the character creation screen is amazing.

Some just get triggered and they have to be sure to post on the forums continuously about this issue.

sure. It has 0 impact on gameplay. But man. Do these people need to make sure others are aware of how much this issue bothers them. Despite the fact they you only see it for about 3 seconds on character creation. And its never referenced anywhere in game.

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Ha true I see your point.

it is stupid and they prolly thought you were being a homophobe lol. though its funny bc this was not asked, what was asked was for optional pronouns so they pretty much wasted their time.

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Yeah the dude got all worked up lol. I said what I can’t have an opinion? /kicked :joy:

Like damn I’ve been with this group for 4 years I didn’t think they were this woke lol.

Biggieskulls, my friend, it is literally because they wanted to add a few more body types for dracthyr and dragons have never been dimorphic so it wouldn’t have made sense for them to suddenly rock the standard WoW “tiny, curvy, big eyes” and “chunk of steak in a blender” look.

Don’t be sensitive and read too much into it.

Well it got me kicked from a decent raiding guild. And I haven’t been able to find such a guild that raids my times since.

Don’t need body types just make male and female.

Aren’t titles optional pronouns? Lol