Boat from Boralus to Stormwind Sometimes Takes Me to Alterac Valley

This has happened to me every time I’ve used this boat, both with this character and a level 115 alt. Can’t believe it’s been happening to people for that long and not been fixed.

I wish they would five this issue already. Very inconvenient to have to take the portal because I prefer not to use the mage tower.

I recently 17/02/2020 Also had this issue… it wasn’t as BIG a deal as I thought when I first arrived as I could still use my Dalaran Hearthstone then take the portal to Stormwind. But shocked the heck out of me. Yes, it is something that should be addressed due to the longevity of the issue to inconvenience it posses.
(PS I was playing my 120 Alliance Human Paladin)

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still happening 20/03/2020 so i guess i should make my HS in sw

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Wish this would get fixed. I like to walk and take transports as much as I can and I avoid portals. It keeps the “world” in World of Warcraft. When you are forced into portals the world, starts to feel a lot smaller.


April 2020 and I guess we can safely say that they don’t plan on fixing this bug, as it’s still happening. #winning :roll_eyes: :broken_heart:

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I have also encountered this bug. Here is the video proof for blizzard if needed:

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Same here. Several times.

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I’m also having this issue, just happened to my main. It’s annoying for sure, but hopefully it’ll get fixed.

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Crazy that this still happens. WTG Blizz

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You will be pleased to know this still happens.


I thought it was just me, I’m shocked to see it’s been going on for so long. Glad to know it’s not just my game messing up though, and there’s nothing I can do on my end to fix it.

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I mean my friends and I have been reporting a bug in Ashenvale where a quest spawns an invisible mob that follows you around until you’re dead. Oh and we’ve been reporting this for the last 3+ years, still in the game.


6/19/2020 still happening

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Yep, this just happened to me this morning. One second I was taking a nice boat trip to Stormwind from Boralus, next second I was in Alterac Valley! Threw me for a loop!

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This just happen to me, was so confused.

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My daughter calls it the boat from Boralus to “Stormwind”, air quotes and all. It’s left her in Alterac every time for months now.

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Same here today. It still happens ONE YEAR after the bug report. Gratz Blizzard Happy Anniversary :slight_smile:


just happened to me! thanks blizzard


This happens on all of my alliance toons regardless of level of age. Every time. There are nearly 40 posts on this and over a year later not so much as a single blue reply acknowledging the problem.

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