Boat from Boralus to Stormwind Sometimes Takes Me to Alterac Valley

Happened to me now as well: Me and a level 98 Dark Iron dwarf were so confused… I was on my level 58 Void Elf Hunter at the time.

I’ve joined the club. Was on a lovely cruise From Boralus to where I assumed would be Stormwind, when I ended up in the Alterac Valley cave. Very odd.

Update: the lowbie I’ve been working on is now 115; just took the boat from Boralus to Stormwind and she again was transported to the entrance to Alterac Valley. I thought it was a character’s level maybe messing up the load, but I guess not lol.
Also have an issue with the load screen; the last few times when taking this boat, my screen hangs on the loading map and I have to crash the game and re-load it.
Again, it’s annoying as an Alliance cuz it’s not like there’s a flight master sitting right there in Hillsbrad Foothills, or even a portal to Stormwind. Guess I’ll hearth and try again lol.

This just happened to me.

Just happened to me too!

This is a special case of “transfer aborted, instance not found” for the Stormwind area world server resource. The location you get dumped is the 0,0 coordinate of the Eastern Kingdoms continent coordinate system.

These things are usually temporary and resolve themselves as the servers reallocate resources.

Yes this just happened to me.

Same happens to my alt every time I travel back to stormwind from the very first time I traveled from boralus to stormwind

this happened to me too >:(

it was even more confusing considering i got on the boat at stormwind to go to boralus, had to go afk, and came back to find myself in a cave instead of continuing to make the boat loop

This has been happening to me for a month. I’ve submitted several BUG reports so far and it still happens. I remember a similar thing happening while crossing from Theramore to Menethil Harbor. Instead of leaving me at 3rd random place, the whole game just freezes and I relog, and I wake up dead back in Theramore Graveyard. WTF?

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I never take this boat anymore because this happens to me a lot.

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This happens to my paladin EVERY time. I no longer take the boat because of this. It’s so frustrating. =\


Midway through December and this is still obviously an issue and one that don’t seem to have a keen interest on fixing it. :confused:

This once happened to me in Legion on my horde main when I was on the zeppelin going from Orgrimmar to Undercity. And I loaded into the ALLIANCE Alterac Valley PVP starting tunnel…literally had to take rez sickness because it was impossible to get back to my body after the NPCs one shot me.

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Happens to me every single time.

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12/24 and still not fixed. I have a ticket open now to find out what’s going on. A temporary solution was downgrading the graphics and going fullscreen (not windowed). It worked once, then it went back to the glitch.

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Still happening 01/04/2020

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Trying to get to the Darnassuss portal and this has happened twice in a row!

This has happened to me every time I’ve used this boat, both with this character and a level 115 alt. Can’t believe it’s been happening to people for that long and not been fixed.

I wish they would five this issue already. Very inconvenient to have to take the portal because I prefer not to use the mage tower.